Shalom Chaverim,
I am pleased to be able to report some exciting new developments at Temple Beth Am that will be of interest to all of us in the Library Minyan. First, the Rabbis have decided that a new sanctuary will an overwhelming responsibility and so the Library Minyan should take over the new space. Second, Pressman Academy has rethought the need for the gym and has inquired as to whether the Library Minyan can develop some sports classes and leagues to fill the new gym when it is completed later this spring. And finally, with all the real estate development going on surrounding TBA, the Board of Trustees has sold the Ziering Field to a developer who has a multi-story luxury residential building on the drawing board. It appears that Joyful Flexibility has been taken to an extreme!
Hag Purim Sameach!!
We are looking forward to a wonderful Purim celebration with Megillah reading on Erev Purim, March 20, followed by the opportunity to perform the mitzvah of Matanot L'evyonim — join our community in assembling survival kits for the homeless, organized by Diane Shershow as part of Operation PB&J. The following day, our fellow Library Minyaners will host the Purim Seudah. So wear your favorite outfits from the late 1950s-early 60s, and celebrate The Marvelous Mrs. Megillah! Thank you Sandra Lepson and Jerry Krautman for your work planning this fun event.
And after you've digested your last Hamentaschen, it will be time to think about getting ready for Pesach... oy!! You'll be glad to know that we have set the schedule for Pesach services: 1st and 2nd days (Shabbat April 20 and Sunday April 21) of the Hag will take place in the Dorff Nelson Chapel, and the Library Minyan will plan and lead those services. Services on the 7th Day of Pesach (Friday April 26) will take place in the Ballroom and Rabbi Kligfeld will plan that service. For the last day of Pesach, Shabbat on April 27, the Library Minyan will hold our own service in the Dorff Nelson Chapel.
Please note upcoming activities and classes throughout the Temple Beth Am community and take advantage of the many opportunities.
See you in shul!
— Melissa Berenbaum
We had a very successful event in February — our first ever Game Night combined with Havdalah. It was a great success and we hope to do it again in the next year. You can tell from the photo here that everyone's having a very good time.
Special thanks to hosts Carl & Tove Sunshine, Don Snyder & Rachel Gordon.
We will be skipping the event scheduled for March 8 due to scheduling conflicts.
So the next event will be our annual Shavuaot picnic in June. More information to follow, closer to the time. If anyone has any ideas for adding games to this event, please contact anyone on the DPL Committee: Deborah Blum, Michelle Wolf, Diane Herman and Rebecca Friedman.
Have a lovely Spring!
— the DPL Committee
Education Committee Sponsored Docent-led Tours on April 7 & May 19: Save the Dates! |
The La Brea Tar Pits and Museum is one of the most popular destinations for both tourists and Southern California residents in the City of Los Angeles. We are likely best known for our large collection of assembled skeletons of extinct Ice Age animals. We are also a leading research facility in the study of all the plants and animals that lived here from the present to 55,000 years ago.

In the 1870s the Hancock family, which owned the property now known as Hancock Park, operated an asphalt quarry. The location of that is now the Lake Pit north of Wilshire Boulevard. Numerous bones were found and mostly discarded in the belief that they were the remains of the domestic animals that could be seen throughout the area. However, a great moment in science occurred in 1875 when someone noticed what was later identified as one of the large canine teeth of a Saber Tooth Cat and didn’t throw it away. That discovery eventually led to the recognition that we actually had one of the largest accumulations of Ice Age fossils ever found as well as all the work that has ensued from that.
On Sunday, April 7th, at 1:00 P.M. we will be having a Docent led tour of the museum, the outdoor exhibits and the current excavations. You will have the opportunity to see and learn about our best known skeletons—the Columbian Mammoth, the Dire Wolf, Saber Tooth Cat and others. Current research activities will be discussed. You will observe ongoing efforts to excavate the very large quantity of fossils originally found in what is now the LACMA underground parking garage. You will also learn that there has never been any Tar at the La Brea Tar Pits.
Look for more detailed information about signing up in the email you will receive before too long.
— Zwi Reznik
The last of our LM Docent-led Tours series is scheduled for Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 11 am at the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust in Pan Pacific Park. Docent Rachel Rubin Green will emphasize the Museum's approach to Holocaust education and highlight some unique artifacts displayed among the museum's collections. Save the date now. More info in the May Minyan Monthly.
— Rachel Rubin Green |
Pesach Message from the Ohel Patuach Committee |
No one should celebrate Pesach alone.
If you or someone you know needs home hospitality for a Pesach seder on either the first or second night of Passover — or if you will have one or more places to welcome additional guests at your seder table — please contact:
March 16 |
Torah Club & Co-sponsored Kiddush |
March 20
Operation PB&J following Megillah Reading
Purim Seudah at 6 pm
March 30
Co-sponsored Kiddush |
March 31 |
Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide |
April 7
May 19
Docent-led tour of La Brea Tar Pits & Museum with Zwi Reznik
Docent-led tour of LAMOTH with Rachel Rubin Green
June 1 |
12th Grade Graduation Shabbat in LM |
June 8 |
8th Grade Graduation Shabbat in LM |
Plan Ahead for Social Justice Events |
The Annual Operation PB&J (no peanut butter will be used) will take place at TBA on March 20 following the Megillah reading. Join in the opportunity to fulfill the Purim mitzvah of "Matanot L'evyonim" by assembling survival kits for the homeless and making sack lunches. The following day you will have a chance to meet and give out the kits personally to the homeless or to bring the bags to organizations that provide social services.
The Jewish World Watch Walk to End Genocide will take place on Sunday, March 31, from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, including an educational fair, at Pan Pacific Park. Registration for Team Temple Beth Am/Tiyya is now open. The Walk raises awareness of, and funds to combat, the devastating consequences of genocide and mass atrocities. Go to If you cannot walk, join as a walker in spirit. As well, share this event with non TBA members. All are welcome to join our team.
Contact Dianne Shershow, Team Captain, at if you have any questions. |
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035