Breaking news: Young woman arrested in Hong Kong because of “Pillar of Shame” banner
Mail to the info list on Hong Kong and the pillar of shame banner campaign
I have just received this message from Zhou Fengsuo in New York. I know no more about the matter than this. Contact Zhou Fengsuo by email: for more info.
Best regards, Jens Galschiøt (DK)
Message from Zhou Fengsuo:
Meddelelse fra Zhou Fengsuo:
Please pay attention to Zeng Yuxuan, a young Hong Kong young woman who was arrested by the Hong Kong police for sedition for holding the banner of the Pillar of Remembrance in solidarity with June 4th.
When she saw this banner being displayed in Times Square in New York and many other places around the world, she asked me for a banner, even though she knew it was dangerous to do so, and she is now under arrest.
Because of young people like her, the hope for democracy 34 years ago is still alive today. I take full responsibility for displaying this banner, and I am willing to go to Hong Kong to bear all charges on her behalf.
According to comprehensive international media reports, Zeng Yuxuan, a doctor of law student, was arrested by the Hong Kong police on June 1 for sedition because she mourned the protester Liang Jianhui who died in the 2021 Causeway Bay stabbing case in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on New Year’s Day this year.
A poster of the Pillar of Remembrance in support of the June 4th Movement was found during a home search
Zhou Fengsuo