Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Matthew 3:17 ... and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Toward the end of the account of Jesus' baptism, a very important word occurs. A word that is used in the Bible to get the reader's attention. In fact, when this word is used, it's like writing "ATTENTION" in all capital letters. The word that I'm talking about is "behold."
When Jesus was baptized, John testified that Jesus was holier than himself. John thought Jesus should baptize him, not the other way around. Then, as Jesus stepped up out of the water, the sky was torn open and a dove-like form fluttered down, showing that Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Then the Gospel writer uses the word "BEHOLD" to introduce the most important testimony our text offers -- an audible voice from heaven.
In calling Jesus His "beloved Son," God the Father made it clear that Jesus was not just one more of His followers, this was the unique Child of God, the beloved, only begotten Son of God. This was the Son who had always existed at the Father's side in eternity, and had now come to earth in true human form to rescue sinners from hell.
Do you remember from Sunday School what God said after each day of creation? After each day God declared that what He had created on that day was "good," and when everything had been finished God put the final seal of approval on His perfect and sinless creation by pronouncing it "VERY GOOD."
At Jesus' baptism God the Father put this same seal of approval on the Son: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am WELL PLEASED."
When your conscience kicks in and condemns you for your sins, remember the Father's testimony: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Through faith in Christ, this becomes our status. Through faith in Christ God is well pleased with US.