Disturbing but Urgent Information About Pet Food
Greed and politics are not unique to any one country when it comes to the issues of the day, such as feeding the people, or our pets. We need to pay close attention to the quality of the foods we eat and the foods we give our pets because we are the only ones who truly care about proper nutrition for health. The following information illustrates this point.
This article is about dog food in Latvia. So why am I sharing it with you here, in a cat newsletter? It involves cat food, too, though it's not the highlight of the story and was not studied as the dog food was. I present it to you for a couple of reasons:
1. As a loving pet owner (cat or dog or other animal) it is truly up to us to "do our homework" when providing the best care and safe products.
2. This story illustrates clearly how the authorities, the government, the big companies, the "powers that be," etc. will completely ignore consumers in order to perpetuate their profit agendas. They categorically do not care about us or our pets and will strongly deny any connections between their products and our health, unless it's to say it's all good. Now, more than ever, it's definitely Buyer Beware! http://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/toxic-substance-found-in-dog-food.a247068/More links to help you do some investigations on your own:Why Cats Need Canned Food: www.littlebigcat.comCats are true carnivores, requiring a meat-based diet.
How big corporate interests try to control us: