May 11, 2010
We're excited to share this "Idea of the Week", submitted by either the MAiZE staff or one of your fellow siteowners. There never seems to be a shortage of ideas and the truth is that some of the best originate with all of you! So, if you ever have an idea you'd like us to pass along to the group, please just send it our way. Also, please remember that we'll be archiving these ideas on the siteowner web site, so that you can go back and view them whenever you like.
Thinking Out of the Box...
We hope all of you enjoyed Mother's Day weekened...especially all the moms in our MAiZE family! A one-of-a-kind "Happy Mother's Day" wish is actually the theme of this Idea of the Week as you can see in the photo below.
All of us are striving to create "WOW" moments in our business and that's exactly the word that came out of my mouth when driving along the highway on Sunday and spotting this 3-lettered message in the distance. And I wasn't the only one. When pulling off the next exit and back-tracking to take a quick picture, we were surprised to find a couple of other families who had done the same thing! It was actually pretty amusing to see all these families hopping out of their cars and pulling out their camera phones just to snap a picture of some cranes.
But, as you can obviously see, this concrete pumping company had succeeded in turning their ordinary non-glamorous equipment into an out-of-the-box message that spoke volumes to the thousands who drove along the highway this past weekend. Without spending a dime on fancy cards or expensive gift baskets, in their own special way, they had somehow managed to send a Mother's Day wish that left countless spectators with nothing to say except ....WOW!
The MAiZE Inc.; PO Box 367, Spanish Fork, UT 84660; 801-798-0596