For those in the know...   February 2009
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New Look Newsletter for ICTeachers Ltd
As you can see the ICTeachers newsletter has gone up-market with a new look and design. The content will continue to be interesting and varied. Don't forget to visit our ICTeachers website for all your teaching resources.
Tim McShane
Editor in Chief and bottle washer : )
The Rose Review reports...
The full interim report of Sir Jim Rose's fundamental review of the primary curriculum was published just before Christmas. Rose proposes a redesign of the curriculum which promotes subject teaching alongside cross-curricular studies. Six 'areas of learning' are proposed to give schools real flexibility for planning cross-curricular studies. A key recommendation is the elevation of technical and digital literacies to a status of parity with traditional literacy and numeracy and the proposition that aspects of the Key Stage 3 curriculum for ICT might be more appropriately taught in Key Stage 2. A final report will be published in spring 2009. Implementation of a revised primary curriculum will begin from September 2011.

Science: So What?
In January, the Government launched its "Science: So What? So Everything" campaign, designed to 'rebrand' science for the young as something appealing, interesting and relevant. A year of events and a growing web resource are currently the most public and tangible outputs from the campaign.

Army Education Website - Free Resources
The Army In Education website is now live, offering free curriculum support for secondary school teachers. Aimed at teachers of students aged 11-16 years, the website provides a range of free curriculum support materials for Geography, PE, Assemblies and History using aspects of the British Army as a theme for learning.  In addition to the curriculum support materials teachers will be able to find out how Army museums and Army Careers Advisers can enhance classroom learning.

It is hoped that by developing a better understanding of the work of the British Army, that young people will respect the work of British Soldiers and their role in our society.


TeachMeet Midlands 09
TeachMeet 'unconferences', where teachers curious about the uses of technology in teaching use the web to create 'bottom-up' CPD events, have rapidly become a movement across the UK and beyond. At the BETT show in January, over 250 teachers gathered to share successes, innovations and stories of practice. TeachMeet Midlands will take place at the National College for School Leadership on May 15th. The event is seeking sponsors.

Next Steps for Early Learning and Childcare
The 10-Year Childcare Strategy in 2004 set out the Government’s plans to make early learning and childcare "world class". Five years into the plan, and in the context of a global economic downturn, the report outlines a new series of steps to further join up and develop early learning provision for children and their families and to enhance the status of staff and providers in the sector. Catalougue for 2009
To help with your purchasing decisions, RM has published a catalogue - covering both hardware for education and educational software products. Don’t miss out on the very latest products and prices; schools don't need a credit card to order online!

Order your free copy.
The Digital Britain report
The Government's interim 'Digital Britain' report, containing recommendations that have wide-reaching implications for the education and skills sector, was published in January. The report assesses the UK’s readiness fully to exploit the dramatic shift to digital technology as the basis of huge parts of our economy and private lives. In the words of its authors, "The simple message at the core of this interim report is that we cannot afford to treat education and training for digital technologies as just another 'vertical' subject area." The report's recommendations for universal access to broadband contain perhaps the most important consequences for education.
Personalised learning - new guidance and support
As the demand for, and interest in, personalised learning broaden and deepen, new guidance and resources to nourish developments are being published. The DCSF have published new guidance for school leaders and teachers wishing to explore key aspects of personalised teaching and learning - such as target setting, focussed assessment and supporting children's wider needs. NCSL have developed a new website based upon a new Leadership for Personalising Learning Framework, written and developed by Professor John West-Burnham.
McShane Family News Section - the story of simple country folk...deedeedeedeedeedahdaaaah...
There seems to be a tension brewing in the household. One minute they are happy and chatting, the next minute accusations and major stropping. Who you ask? Why my beloved wife and my daughter Lizzie!  Why!!!  It goes from one extreme to another. I'm most confused. : (  The boys seem happy enough with Wii's and Nintendos. Oh, we have got a Nintendo Wii, I'm doing the Fitness programme on it and it's great. My best thing is the hulahoop, I can do several Yoga moves (my best is the deep breathing at the start) and I get to ski in the comfort of my own living room. Oh, and I've told John (14) to go out and get a part time job! No longer will he leach £3.75 a week off me! He's going to do grass cutting and is getting himself organised. He has two customers so and his mum. Hehehe...  Fiona's started her OU degree again, this time a module on Inclusion...I'm all for it, as long as there is adequate support in the classroom. There we go, a snap shot of our family for this month. Any advice or experiences shared re the mother and daughter thing gratefully recieved!!
Bye for now!
ICTeachers Ltd