Roy Baker

Tennis Court Wharf and Catherine Park in 1961.
Below: a Google image of the same area today.

Every offshore resident will be familiar with Tennis Court
Wharf, on the northern shore of Scotland Island. Curiously
we have a wharf, yet we have no tennis court. That being
so, there can’t be one of us who hasn’t at some stage
asked ‘was there ever a tennis court?'
During a recent clean-out of the island fire shed a framed
picture was found that helps answer that question. It’s an
aerial photo of Tennis Court Wharf and adjacent Catherine
Park, taken in 1961.
It’s a fascinating photo for many reasons. First, it
provides us with the oldest known image of the old fire
shed, seen close to the shoreline on the left-hand side of
the frame. The shed was erected in 1956 and was just five
years old when this picture was taken.
Next to the shed is Tennis Court Wharf, with its
characteristic bend. The wharf forms the northern
perimeter of an enclosed swimming area. The southern wall
of this pool survives but the fence linking it to the
wharf has gone. A piling barge can be seen alongside the
fencing; it’s not known whether this was kept there

Devine, photographed for her police file in
Working our way uphill from the old fire shed, Pitt View
St is clearly visible, and so is the bottom of Kevin Ave,
although Florence Terrace is obscured by trees. The road
that now connects the bottom of Kevin Ave with Robertson
Road, and which effectively forms the southern boundary of
Catherine Park, was yet to be built. The blue gums that
today surround the park were planted by Warringah Council
in about 1977.
The area where the barbecue currently stands looks marshy,
which ties in with the natural drainage of Catherine Park:
go down there after the recent rain and it doesn’t look
much different. Today most surface runoff is channelled
along the stream that cuts through the park, but that came
later. The sites of the community hall (built 1982) and
the former kindy (1989) can be seen.
To the west of the park are some houses. The first, an old
cottage partially obscured by a tree, was demolished by
the Grundy family, probably in the 1980s, and the present
house was built to a design by Dermer Bennett.
On the other side of what seems to be a heavily wooded and
vacant block, we can clearly see Tilly Devine’s old
cottage, set back from the shoreline and with the remains
of a stone jetty in front of it. Tilly was a notorious
figure in Sydney’s criminal underworld, particularly
during the pre-war years. She ran a string of brothels
centred around King’s Cross, and the story goes that she
used her Scotland Island cottage for the rest and
recreation of her ‘girls’. Born in 1900, Tilly would have
been 61 when this photo was taken. Although still a
brothel owner, she was by then in her decline, having come
close to bankruptcy in 1955. She died in 1970.
The next house along, right down by the water’s edge,
still stands and was built sometime around 1950. Finally
we come to a fairly substantial home set well back and
built in the 1920s. All of these things we can see in the
photo. But what I can’t see is any sign of a tennis court.
So let’s examine the evidence for this elusive court.

detail from the plan for the 1924
subdivision of Scotland Island, showing
(proposed?) tennis courts in Catherine Park.
What’s certain is that tennis courts were planned. Look at
the plan for the 1924 subdivision of the island and you’ll
see ‘tennis courts’ (note the plural) clearly marked,
approximately where the barbecue stands today. But that
was a plan, not a map. It shows all kinds of things that
have never existed, most famously the north-western
stretch of Thompson St (then Elvina Crescent) which, if
built, would have to be cantilevered off a cliff face.
Leading the case for the one-time existence of a tennis
court is the eyewitness testimony of two islanders who
were around in the 1960s. But even they don’t recall
functioning courts, but rather bits of old fencing that
may or may not have surrounded a court.
My personal verdict is that no courts ever existed. Just
look at the 1961 photo: if anything remained of a tennis
court by the time the 1960s came along then it wasn’t
visible from the air. It’s hard to believe that courts
were built on a patch of land that then somehow reverted
to marsh. What’s more, I’ve heard of 1930s aerial photos
of Catherine Park that show no evidence of a tennis court.
And finally, I call in aid islander Craig Burton, who has
studied local history extensively. In the mid 1970s he
conducted a floristic survey of Catherine Park. He found
no evidence of any tennis court anywhere within the park.
My theory is that the name ‘Tennis Court Wharf’ derives
from nothing more than real estate puffery, intended to
lure buyers to the island with the promise of plentiful
recreation. I guess we all fell for that one.
You make up your own mind, but I rest my case.
Thanks to Craig Burton for some of the information behind
this article.
The Essence of
Residents of Scotland Island and the Bays are invited to
participate in an exhibition/display of photography in the
Recreation Hall in Catherine Park, planned for September
2022. The exhibition is an initiative of the Recreation
Club of the Scotland Island Residents Association. While
there have been many exhibitions of art and creative works
on Scotland Island, this is the first exhibition devoted
to photographic works. Island photographers Mike Malloy
and June Lahm are contributing to the development of the
Subject matter can be of your choice but we are hoping to
include a selection of: landscapes; portraits; nature; as
well as conceptual and abstract works. The format can be
digital, analogue or an alternative process. Exhibited
work can be framed or unframed and be for sale if desired.
The size of the exhibits can be of your choice.
Those wishing to exhibit will be charged a small entry fee
to cover the cost of exhibition materials and hall hire:
$20 for adults and $5 for those under 16 years (per
artist). We are hoping to encourage younger residents to
display some of their interests and photographic work.
We are now calling for expressions of interest from
off-shore residents who may wish to exhibit. In addition
we would welcome any input to the development of the
exhibition, including further ideas and in particular help
with organising the event.
Contact Tim Turpin
Phone: 0417 215 783

Scotland Island Recreation
Most Saturdays throughout
the year
2 - 3 pm: Introduction to
Table Tennis
3 - 5 pm: Table Tennis
With COVID restrictions
lifting, table tennis sessions have recommenced. Groups
meet most Saturdays and anyone over 12 is welcome.
Sessions are supported by the Scotland Island Recreation
Play from 2 - 3 pm is
intended primarily for those new to table tennis. The
session from 3 - 5 pm is open to everyone, regardless of
your standard of play.
Sessions do not run every Saturday. If you are interested
in taking part then it's best to join the table tennis
WhatsApp group to receive up-to-date information on who is
playing. If you would like to join the group, please email
Alternatively, you can just turn up and take your chances.
Scotland Island
Sunday 6 March, 9 - 12

Scotland Island is registered to participate once
Clean Up Australia Day inspires and empowers
communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our
This event encourages and inspires thousands of
Australians to take to their local park, beach, bushland
and streets, making a real difference to their local
If you would like to help out, either by grabbing a bag
and filling it, or helping to supervise activities,
please email to put
your name on the list.
Come down to your nearest wharf to collect a bag between
the hours of 9.00am and 12.00pm.
Bring gloves, sunscreen, hat, sensible clothes and
footwear – and don’t forget to bring some water
Toby and his crew will be out on the Laurel Mae to
collect material.
About the event - Clean Up Australia Day:
Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 13 March, 10 - 12
Sunday 27 March, 10 - 12
The Two Catherines Café will meet twice in March.
The Scotland Island Recreation Club will be running a
BBQ café on 13 March. On offer will be hot food such as
bacon and egg rolls, sausages and vegetarian
Then on 27 March the SIRC will be running a second
café, this time with a choice of cakes and savoury
At both cafés
a barista will be on hand to offer coffees and other hot
As usual, profits from the café will go towards funding
community events on the island, including regular table
tennis sessions, international folk dancing and more.
The Recreation Club is looking for volunteers
interested in running future cafés. There is no need to
make a long-term commitment: if you feel able to run
just one café then that's fine. Most of the work is done
by a team of young, paid workers who set up the tables
and chairs, help to serve, etc.
If you are interested in volunteering to run a café,
please click here for further information.
You'll find clear instructions and advice on what to do.
In addition, the SIRC is working on compiling a more
detailed handbook, available shortly, which will make
running a café even easier.
If you have further questions on running a café or
otherwise getting involved, please contact Robyn
Iredale: email
or phone 0425 216 350.
Scotland Island Community
Saturday 19 March
5 - 6 pm (take-away), 6 -
9 pm (sit-down dinner)
Link for booking and donating:

Scotland Island Community
Sunday 20 March, 2 - 4 pm

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 26 March, 7 - 9
Scotland Island Recreation
Sunday 27 March, 11.30 am
Dr Sophie Scamps is Mackellar's independent candidate at
the next federal election. On 27 March she will be
visiting the Two Catherines Café in Catherine Park,
Scotland Island. Then at 11.30 am Sophie will give a more
formal presentation in the Recreation Centre, discussing
her vision for Australia's future.
The event is being organised by islander Jenny Cullen.
‘This will be a great opportunity for Sophie to listen to
island residents’, says Jenny. ‘You’ll then be able to
hear more about Sophie’s climate, integrity and health
policies, and this unique opportunity to re-set politics
in Australia’.
According to Jenny, ‘Sophie is one of a rising number of
independent candidates who share a commitment to urgent,
constructive action on climate change, along with other
key policies'.
Sophie was a doctor at Mona Vale hospital before working
for many years as a local GP. According to her website, improving our health system
is another of her priorities, together with greater
integrity in government.
Although coinciding with the Two Catherines Café, this
event is being run independently: it has not been
organised by SIRA or the Recreation Club. Islanders are of
course welcome to invite other candidates to visit the
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 29 March, 11 am -
12.30 pm
Recreation Club has a new literature discussion group,
meeting on the last Tuesday of each month, from 11 am to
12.30 pm in the Recreation Centre.
This is not your regular book club. Members will take it
in turn to design a session and decide on the items for
discussion. Anyone can come along and join in the
discussion, even if you have not read the material. The
idea is to cover a wide range of areas and to be open to
suggestions for topics.
Jane Rich will kick off the first session, leading a
discussion on Water Access Only: More Tales &
Adventures from Pittwater. This is an anthology of
writings compiled by islanders Juliette Robertson and
Carol Beth Floyd. The book also contains numerous photos
and other artworks by offshore residents.
To learn more about the book or to order a copy, click here.
The book is also available at Church Point and in local
Contact Jane Rich Jane ( for more
information or to express your interest in participating.

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 10 April, 9.20 am
us for the second annual island run/walk, this time held
in memory of Graeme Crayford, who died recently.
Graeme was president of the island fire brigade. But many
will also remember him as a regular island jogger. What
better way to honour Graeme’s memory, keep fit and raise
money for the fire brigade than to join us on a Graemesque
jaunt around the island.
This year’s event will have a special walkers' category,
so you can participate at your own pace. A number of
participants have already registered, ranging in age from
8 to 80 (yes, seriously!) Like last year, the event will
incorporate a fun obstacle course. But if you are fit
enough to walk around the island then the obstacle course
won’t be anything you can’t handle.
There will be separate prizes according to your age and
gender. For those who participated last year, there will
also be prizes for best personal improvement. 
Entry: $20. This includes a hot drink and breakfast at the
island café, which will be operating in the park alongside
the event. Profits go to Scotland Island Rural Fire
Registration is essential. For full details,
including information on how to register, please download
the race information sheet, available here. The link to register is here.
Andy Derijk, personal trainer and Elvina Bay resident, is
donating his time to help organise and facilitate this
event. Andy offers one-on-one personal training, as well
as fitness classes in Elvina Bay. To contact Andy about
this race or his fitness training, phone 0418 613 890.

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 7 May, 5.30 pm
Missed out on a previous
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June 2021
Festival of Making,
April 2021
expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)