Winner of the 2020 Perugia Press Prize
Winner of the 2023 Perugia Press Prize
By Carolina Hotchandani
In Carolina Hotchandani’s debut The Book Eaters, the poet’s desire for agency over her life’s narrative is counterbalanced by her awareness that poetry is written precisely when life wrests control from us. This book, conceived in loss, examines shifts in identity due to Partition, immigration, illness, and birth. As roles evolve and dissolve, the poet witnesses the decay of language, artifacts, and history, yet these erasures are also generative: they beget poetic creation. The Book Eaters is a study in belonging as well—to our bodies, our memories, our stories, ourselves, our families, our cultures. Hotchandani’s poems interrogate what it means to be full or empty (of words, of the past, of another human being); they illuminate our inextricability from our creaturehood. Even as they explore unraveling—through the metaphor of insects that devour the very pages we produce—these poems are tightly woven into an exquisitely crafted, cohesive collection.
Carolina Hotchandani is a Latinx/South Asian poet born in Brazil and raised
in various parts of the United States. She holds degrees from Brown, Texas
State, and Northwestern universities. Her honors include fellowships from Tin House Writers' Workshop, Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and Napa Valley Writers' Conference. Her poetry has appeared in AGNI, Alaska Quarterly
Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Blackbird, Cincinnati Review, Prairie Schooner, and other journals. She is a Goodrich Assistant Professor of English in Omaha,
Nebraska, where she lives with her husband and daughter.
* The Book Eaters will be released in September 2023 *
Monique-Adelle Callahan, Rupture
Saba Husain, Elegy for My Tongue
Michelle Whittaker, Spoke the Dark Matter
Caitlin Dwyer, In the Salt
Emily Jaeger, Slit
B. Fulton Jennes, Small Animals
Bryana Joy, Summer of the Oystercatchers
Abbie Kiefer, Almost Tender
Viola Lee, The Only Home
Lana Marilyn, Holes in the Water
Aria Pahari, Threat Perception
Barbara Schwartz, What Survives Is the Fire
Caroline Shea, Some Nerve
Sunni Wilkinson, Rodeo
Rewa Zeinati, I Had No Desire to Leave This Place
Thanks to each woman who submitted her manuscript/s
& to the volunteers who helped read for & judge the contest!
is given annually for a first or second unpublished poetry collection
by a woman. The next deadline is November 15, 2023.
Winner of the 2020 Perugia Press PrizeAPress for the 2020 Perugia Press Prize winner Per
Perugia Press at AWP: March 8-11
We are looking forward to being in Seattle with our poets, and YOU!
In addition to the poets reading at our offsite event Beerhall Bookfair on 3/8, we'll be joined by our just-announced winner of the 2023 Perugia Press Prize, Carolina Hotchandani, who will read a poem from her forthcoming collection. Come celebrate International Women's Day with us - see you in Seattle!
Winner of the 2020 Perugia Press Prize
* Perugia Poet News *
Hail and Farewell is also featured in CLMP's
2023 Women's History Month Reading List along with
Corrie describes the book as a "marvel of eco-visioning,
part field guide, part poetry anthology, part art piece, full
of writers I know and admire, know OF and admire, and
look forward to falling in love with."
If you’re in or around Northampton, MA on March 7,
read at the Forbes Library for Straw Dog Writers Guild:
Her essay "Of Wormholes and Junk Monsters" was chosen
by Grace Cho as the finalist for the Ned Stuckey-French
Nonfiction contest at Southeast Review.
Perugia Press
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA 01062