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To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:
Hello, Firstname |
Click the link to be taken to article.
Wednesday 15 January 2025 |
Next Wednesday our speaker is Julian Elliott. Julian is a much-travelled photographer, having run tours to, or worked in, a plethora of countries, including France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Martinique, Mongolia, Nepal, Norway, Patagonia, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam - he's even found time to run tours in the UK. Our talk this evening is all about Julian's "first year of being a nomad".
Unfortunately, Julian's globetrotting has meant that I haven't been able to catch up with him for words about his talk, but looking at his website ( hints at a great evening of worldwide photography.
Below are a few images from Julian's website to be going on with! |
Login details:
- Wednesday 15 January @ 19.30hrs
- Log in: Click HERE
- Meeting ID: 813 7423 9642
- Password: 410092
Date |
Speaker |
Subject |
15 Jan |
Julian Elliott |
A photographic nomad |
22 Jan |
Eddie & Pam
Lane |
Arctica |
28 Jan |
PDI Round 3 |
Judge - Simon Caplan |
DI Group - Practical Evening |
Monday 13 January 7.30 pm in clubroom (not zoom)
A quick reminder and invitation to all members to join us for a practical demo of macro photography. Mike Hall will be demonstrating taking multiple images with his special equipment and combining them in focus stacking software to create a full depth of field over the subject. Steve Taylor will show how the same can be achieved fully in-camera using his Olympus camera. As usual these meetings are informal and you will have plenty of opportunity to chat to others present at any time or over the coffee & biscuits break. If you use any other system of focus stacking, please do bring it along and show how you use it and share your experience.
Look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Ashwin Chauhan
Print Competition - Round 3 |
Hopefully you are getting over the excesses of the festive season and are beginning to think things photographic again - so please don't forget that the closing date for Round 3 of the Print Competition is 29 January.
The judge will be Roger Creber ARPS, DPAGB and the optional prescribed topic is Architecture.
David Alderson
Print Competition Secretary
Mike Martin has been hosting sessions for Photographers with Disabilities for the last couple of years. With the formal dissolution of that charity a number of their members have joined BPS and Mike has committed to continue hosting Monday meets whilst opening these to ALL BPS Members.
The first session will be Monday 13th January from 10am to 1pm. So why not come along for a chat, bring any new toys Santa may have delivered and get involved.
Depending upon who turns up, these meetings will be an opportunity to practice using the studio lights, light painting or doing tabletop sessions – If there is a particular theme or something particular that you want to do let Mike know.
On a monthly basis (last Monday) there will be more formal portrait studio sessions. The 10am - 1pm session will be open to anyone to attend (ie prioritising regular attendees) whilst depending upon the model's availability there may also be a follow on-session from 1.15pm to 4.15pm for a limited number of members (booking list will be opened nearer the date) to give a better shoot experience.
Once fully established, it's hoped to supplement the monthly Monday photoshoots with evening or weekend sessions particularly for those members still in employment. In the meantime, anyone unable to participate on Mondays, feeling left out, why not book your own Studio session with a model of your choosing and Mike on hand to assist?
Mike Martin
The GB Cup (PDI) and GB Trophy (Prints) are annual PAGB competitions, with both having an Open section and a Nature section. We can enter up to 30 images in each print section and 24 PDIs in each digital section. The scores for the top 12 images are then used to establish the club rankings. In the event of a tie, the 13th ..etc.... highest scoring image is used to separate clubs. This is an opportunity to try out a wider variety of subjects than those currently in vogue, hoping they will do well, but if not, not adversely impacting the club ranking.
We have enjoyed mixed success in recent years – with your support let’s try to top these: - GB Cup (PDI) – Open section – we came 8th in 2024 with one member receiving a medal; our best result for a few years - GB Cup (PDI) – Nature section – last year was a rather disappointing 20th, but we have done considerably better previously with 5th in 2021 and 8th in 2022 - GB Trophy (Prints) – Open section – we’ve finished consistently in the top 10, with our best result being 5th in 2024 with members picking up 3 medals - GB Trophy (Prints) – Nature section – out most successful section having been 6th last year, 5th in 2023, 2nd in 2022 and 3rd in 2021!
Whilst you are busy reviewing your images ready for the WCPF Members Exhibition, why not pull out any new images and send PDI copies to so that these may be included in the selection pool.
We need a large pool of images to pick from, early in February!
The Bristol Light Festival is set to return to Bristol for 10 days of dazzling light-based artworks from 31 January – 9 February. Full details can be found on their website:
Below are a few of the events from the 2024 Festival
WCPF Interclub Competition |
Bristol Salon 2025
Closing - 31 January
3 PDI Sections:
Open Colour
3 Print Sections:
Open Colour
Entry is free to BPS members*
* Not available to distance members, temporary members or photography course members.
Time is running out to enter the 2025 Bristol Salon - and only 6 members (at the last count) have entered this prestigious exhibition. It is open to all members and is your chance to have a go at one of the most important international photographic exhibitions in the UK - so come on, let's see a massive entry from BPS members this year - and don't forget that its FREE. So, there are no excuses for not having a go!
Entrants may submit up to 12 projected images and 12 prints across the three sections (Open, Monochrome & Nature) in each category. These will be put before a panel of selectors who will pick the top 25% or so to be accepted. Entry for BPS members is free*.
For those entering prints these will be returned via Unit 13.
When entering your prints you have the choice of
- Hold
for collection
- Return
by mail
- Forward
to the Midland Salon (at no cost)
- Destroy
If you are not forwarding prints to the Midland, then please mark your choice as ‘Hold for Collection’. We can see this on the label attached to your print, and it makes them more easily identifiable.
If you mark them as Destroy, although we will look out for BPS prints there is always a chance they will be missed, and you will not get your prints back.
This is your chance to dip your toes in the murky world of international exhibitions without having to open your wallets! So, come on, get off your BTMs and let's see a load of BPS entries. In the meantime if you have any queries, feel free to email Ralph at
The closing date is 31 January.
For those of you who aren't too sure what the Bristol Salon is: it is an international photographic exhibition that has been running since 1947 and is the largest exhibition of its type in the UK attracting entries from across the world.
Southampton International Exhibition
Closing - 2 February
3 PDI Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
3 Print Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
NEW - Download Issue 371 PAGB eNews HERE.
Download Issue 118 of Photography News HERE.
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have any photographic items
for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter.
Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full
description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes |
Please don't forget that if you change your
address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions,
it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know
so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that
you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those
shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell
us we can't possibly know!
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such
seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive |
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE