IAHF List: URGENT!! ACT IMMEDIATELY!! See below. This alert just in from Tony Stephan of Truehope Inc. in Alberta Canada. Tony has 8 employees hard at work in an emergency call center from which they're contacting every health food store in Canada urging emergency assistance to kill the bill from hell: C-51.
No one in Canada or the USA can afford not to help kill this bill. If you are American, please forward this to anyone in Canada who you know, and if you are Canadian, please take action yourself, then download this info and bring it to every health food store within a 25 k radius of your house and urge them to bagstuff the alert and to urge customers to call their MPs to strenuously oppose this. If you don't you will lose your access to dietary supplements. Keep in mind that the evil Canadian Health Food Assn isn't helping to kill this bill.
IAHF warns vitamin consumers globally that the European Food Safety Authority combined with the European Commission will be unleashing the regs from hell in January 2009, and that they'll make their way into Codex because the EU politically dominates Codex. These will be "Maximum Safe Upper Levels" that will be only slight multiples above RDA. IAHF warns you that if we fail to get congressional oversight in the USA on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada/ Mexico, we will not be able to stop this from coming to America, we will not be able to defend DSHEA. IAHF has just issued an urgent warning to the Life Extension Foundation, National Health Federation, American Association for Health Freedom, National Council for Health Freedom and allied groups world wide to the urgent need to assist film maker Kevin Miller so he can produce an updated version of "We Become Silent" which will focus on these issues.
Americans- Take action via http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3113337.htm
Donations needed to help me visit health food stores all over the lower mainland around Vancouver to sound the alarm. Remember Americans, if we don't slay this dragon in Canada, its coming here next.
If you value your life, if you value your health, if you value your access to dietary supplements please let IAHF know how much you care by making a donation to:
IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281 USA or via paypal
Protect Your
Constitutional Rights
Important Notice Regarding Bill C-51
On April 8, 2008, the Minister
of Health in Canada introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This
Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act
that would
remove critical
checks and balances from Health Canada and endanger your Constitutional
rights to “life, liberty, and security of person”
(Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section
Without immediate action from
concerned citizens like you, this Bill will soon be law in
Consider How Bill C-51 Would Affect
Health Canada Needs Checks and
Acting under current laws, Health Canada has
already endangered Canadians’ lives by seizing their natural health
products. In 2003, Health Canada seized personal shipments of EMPowerplus,
a vitamin-mineral supplement that hundreds of Canadians with bipolar
disorder and other serious mood disorders depended on for mental wellness,
and ordered Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd. to stop selling the
supplement in Canada. Fearing for the safety of Canadians who were using
EMPowerplus, Truehope disobeyed Health Canada’s orders and was
charged with selling an illegal
Fortunately, in this case, Health Canada was
unsuccessful in removing EMPowerplus from the market. In 2006, Truehope was
found not guilty. The court ruled that Truehope was
“overwhelmingly compelled to disobey…in order to protect the
health, safety and well-being of the users of the supplement”, and
Health Canada dropped its appeal of this case in October 2006.
(Learn more http://truehope.com/newsletter/editions/online038-October-22-2007.html
However, Bill C-51 would make
it easier for Health Canada to seize natural health products like
EMPowerplus in the future and remove them from the market, violating your
Constitutional rights to “life, liberty, and security of
What You Can Do To Protect Your
Read Bill C-51. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=3398126&
Read a Discussion Paper on Bill C-51 by the President of the Natural Health Product
Protection Agency (NHPPA). http://www.healthcanadaexposed.com/discussion.htm
· Contact your local MP to voice your objections to this Bill. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/HouseOfCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC
Forward this
email to all of your concerned
friends and family.
Attend a key court
case to stop Health Canada from
seizing natural health products without court permission.
Where: Federal
Court of Canada, 635 8 Ave SW, 4th floor, Calgary,
When: Friday, May 9, 2008, at 1:00 pm.
Americans- Take action via http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3113337.htm
Donations needed to help me visit health food stores all over the lower mainland around Vancouver to sound the alarm. Remember Americans, if we don't slay this dragon in Canada, its coming here next.
If you value your life, if you value your health, if you value your access to dietary supplements please let IAHF know how much you care by making a donation to:
IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd.
Point Roberts WA 98281 USA or via paypal
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