Thursday, January 28, 2010

Psalm 72:7-8 In his days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.


Not long before ascending into heaven Jesus gave this directive to His disciples: "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." It was not His will that the blessings of salvation He won for sinners through His death on the cross be enjoyed by a few. He wanted everyone to enjoy them.

In Acts chapter 2 we hear about the early stages of the growth of Jesus' kingdom on the Day of Pentecost. Afterwards the growth continued in an ever-broadening circle radiating out from Jerusalem. In chapter 8 we read the account of a man from out of Africa, returning home in a chariot, being brought under the Messiah's gracious rule, and he went his way rejoicing. In chapter 9 we hear the remarkable story of Saul of Tarsus, an arch-enemy of Christ, being converted and transformed into the greatest missionary the world has ever known.

Since that time millions more have been added to the group of those called out of the darkness of unbelief and dedicated to the service of the true and living God, made heirs of His kingdom, through faith in Jesus.

Will the day ever arrive when the expansion of our Messiah-King's rule is halted? No, not this side of heaven. In every place where the message of Christ crucified and risen is shared, He will use it to capture souls for His eternal realm. Thank God that you are one of them!

Arabia's desert ranger To Him shall bow the knee,
The Ethiopian stranger His glory come to see;
With offerings of devotion Ships from the isles shall meet
To pour the wealth of ocean In tribute at His feet.
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 59:4)