Warning to Offshore
Residents Parking up
McCarrs Creek Road
Friday evening we came home late after kids Friday sports! Not
surprised to find no parking available, we had to drive up McCarrs
Creek Road looking for a park, which we were lucky, or in hindsight,
unlucky to find!
On Monday morning we found our car
vandalised, a huge Rock deliberately thrown into the windscreen and
settled on the bonnet of our car! The damage undoubtedly
deliberate as there was clearly no risk of rock falls anywhere nearby:-(
We had parked perfectly legally! No obstructions to any house, cars or
inspecting the damage I was approached by another offshore resident who
told me they had had experienced two similar acts of vandalism to their
cars when parking in the area recently! These had been reported to
police, and subsequently so has our more recent incident!
is a possibility that these incidents of malicious damage are targeted!
I would even go as far as to wonder if these are attemps to dissuade us
from parking up McCarrs Creek road ?
I am upset by this! Aside from the expense involved we have been
inconvenienced and left without the car while it is repaired!
don't enjoy the daily struggle to find parking, it is a very stressful
but an ongoing occurrence in the lives of most offshore
residents! Whilst we choose to live offshore we are still
entitled, surely, to have somewhere to park our cars without the fear
of being targeted like this by vandals, or by Council Rangers fines if
we have been forced to park illegally! Although the latter
appears to be the cheaper option given our experience this weekend!
Jen Arnott
Frustrated offshore resident
Car Vandalism at Church Point
As far as I know 3 cars have now been vandalised parked on McCarrs
Creek Road up past the turning circle.
One had a rock thrown on the windscreen completely destroying it, this
was on weekend of the 17th September.
convertible had the soft top roof damaged with a screw driver piercing
the entire roof, and chocolate milk poured into the hole the vandal
made. This was in August.
The first incident was when a window was left down about 1 inch
and pasta sauce poured inside.
None of the vehicles were blocking driveways or parked badly in any way.
this happens to your car please go the Water Police so they can start
to investigate, 3 times in the same 50 metre strip is no coincidence.
Rowena Kempton
Kids Yoga Workshop on
Scotland Island
Wednesday 28 September 9.30
- 12.30
Click to load full size
Nadine O’Mara
W: www.consciouslifeyoga.com.au
E: nadine@consciouslifeyoga.com.au
T: 0402 752465
For Sale
- See website re. quality of Brookers at
- Yamaha 5hp engine only used approx 8hrs
- Serviced 9/6/16 – receipt provided
- Manuals and tool kit provided
- Bespoke lockable aluminium storage box -
(fits fuel, life jackets, etc)
- Rubber trim protecting tinnie
Contact Suzie 0408 229931
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