Savour the flavours of Pittwater's Food and Wine FairFoodies and wine-lovers can start packing the picnic rug in preparation for the 2016 Pittwater Food and Wine Fair.Now in its seventh year, the Food and Wine Fair will once again take place at picturesque Winnererremy Bay in Mona Vale, next to the children’s playground and Flying Fox Café on Sunday 1 May from 10am-4pm. Residents and visitors are encouraged to ride their bikes, walk, or take public transport to the Fair. Pittwater Council is providing plenty of bike racks and a courtesy shuttle bus which will be on a constant loop from Winnererremy bay to the Mona Vale bus stop on Pittwater Road throughout the day. Come along and sample fine Australian wines from boutique and classic wine makers, enjoy tasty gourmet foods while tapping your toes to some fabulous live reggae from Revolution Incorporated and others. Mayor Jacqui Townsend reiterates “there will be something for everyone at this year’s fair, with an amazing variety of wines and food, cooking demonstrations of paella, pickles and preserves, and delicious deserts, as well as eco-stalls, a volunteer’s expo, children’s entertainment and live music!” “You can pick up useful tips on living sustainably and protecting our environment, as well as collecting a free native plant,” said Cr Townsend. “The expo will profile a variety of volunteering opportunities including community transport, community service groups, accessibility and disability services,” she said. Recyclable/reusable wine ’glasses’ will be sold on the day from the Council stall for $5. These ‘glasses’ will be required to buy wine tastings from the wineries. Attendees are also encouraged to bring drink bottles on the day which they can fill up at the water stations provided by Sydney Water. Winnererremy Bay Reserve is located at Mona Street, Mona Vale. For more information visit Contact: Media contact: Phone: Community Relations: 9970 1172 or 9970 1119 ![]() People of Pittwater say no to mega councilAs another council merger is considered, Pittwater residents spoke out at the first of three public inquiry meetings at Mona Vale to reaffirm their opposition to Warringah’s mega council proposal.Of more than 70 speakers, almost 80% spoke against the proposal to merge Pittwater with Manly and Warringah with losing voice, community connectedness, and areas of environmental sensitivity being under threat by over development the major concerns voiced to the independent delegate, Mr Richard Pearson. Residents, businesses, sporting groups, community organisations and councillors spoke passionately about their areas with the majority stating a mega council is too big, too removed and too bureaucratic. A broad cross-section of the community including business chambers, surf life saving clubs, environmental groups, councillors and residents voiced their concerns about council mergers and in particular the scale and bulk of one really big council. There were concerns about the homogeneous approach to planning and the lack of recognition of cultural and demographic differences that characterise the more metropolitan south to open space and bushland of the north. The proposal’s omission of any references to Mona Vale Hospital as a major health facility and any commercial assets north of Dee Why were also highlighted by speakers. This is the second proposal the Pittwater community is now being asked to comment on – this time from Warringah Council to merge Pittwater with Manly and Warringah. Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said it was inspiring to hear about the strong connection and love the people of Pittwater have for their area. “Local government reform is about value for the community, not just financial savings. Value comes from connection, voice, being local, responsive and independent, as well as good financial management. The issue is about balance and how reform can be achieved while not creating a large bureaucratic agency that is disconnected to its people. Pittwater wants a proposal where size and scale work to retain a closeness and connectedness to the community and the environment. “Pittwater is financially sustainable, met all the NSW Government financial benchmarks and continues to work with our SHOROC partners for financial efficiencies. Amalgamation into one large council is not necessary for this to happen. “The financial benefits of both the NSW Government’s proposal for two councils for the SHOROC region and Warringah Council’s mega council proposal are very similar and both will yield strong financial results. The government estimated its proposal would mean a community benefit of $121 million over 20 years – a benefit of 1.77% of annual operating revenue compared to 1.98% of one council. “The real difference is in community voice, representation and engagement. Our residents told us they don’t want a centralised bureaucracy making planning and budgeting decisions away from the community. “We are a council supportive of reform but not when it will negatively impact our community. Even local government expert Professor Dollery has said that SHOROC two council model is ‘the most sensible and economically responsible for the region possible’. Let's work together to create a council linking areas of similar character, culture and density with appropriate levels of representation and community connectedness,” Mayor Townsend said. Submissions on this new proposal can be made at; or Council Boundary Review, GPO Box 5341 Sydney NSW 2001 by Friday 8 April. Contact: Community Relations Phone: 9970 1119, 9970 1172, 9970 1114 ![]()
FREE FUN FOR KIDSSpecial Story timeTUESDAY 12 APRIL , 10 - 11AMMONA VALE LIBRARY, 1 PARK STREET Calling all pre-schoolers! Meet local authors Beck and Matt Stanton, who will read their new book ‘Did you take the B from my _ook?’. Bookings not essential 99701600. FREE FUN FOR KIDS
Wild About Whales
Scotland Island Web Site | | |
click to go to the Calendar | |
Scotland Island Residents Facebook Page | click to go to Page | |
Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 | Number, Usage & Charges | |
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | | |
West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | | |
Offshore Photo Gallery | offshore gallery |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership details - click
here for details |
West Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) - |
Island Emergency Non-potable Water
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Children's Services) Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 7.30am - 5.30pm (Tues, Weds, Thurs & Friday) Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility & Equipment Hire For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: |
Scotland Island Community Hall Bookings: Barbara Labram M: 0473008339 or |
Pittwater Online News - |
Tick Fact Sheet |
Scotland Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 - Number, Usage & Charges | |
Church Point Ferries - 0408 296 997 Ferry Timetable click here |
Water Taxi - 0428 238 190 |
Offshore Services - Contact Tim Byrne on 0416 003 205 |
Broken Bay Lighterage & Mooring Services - Barges - Scotland Island - Toby/Dave - 0418 649 158 |
Manly Warringah Cabs - 02 9972 5600 |
Palm Beach Cruises - 02 9997 4815 |
PMC Hill - 9999 4902 |
Tanya Mottl at Residential Real Estate Agents – 9999 4499 |
L.J.Hooker Mona Vale - 9979 8000 |
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer through
-delivered to your door Scotland Island by Scotland Island Traders
- Graeme Richmond - Mobile: 0419 460 331 email |
Justice of the Peace - Bob Bolton - 0414 994 092 |
Justice of the Peace - Paul Purvis - 9979 9667 |
Justice of the Peace - Bob Mitchell (Mackerel Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Justice of the Peace - Tony Hendel - 0419 242723 |
of the Peace
- Andy
Derijk - Elvina Bay 0418 613 890 |
Pittwater Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan 9997 8079 |
Peninsula Music Club - enquiries Janice Tuynman - 99991937 - jt@swift |
Woody Point Yacht Club - |
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02 9997 1022 |
Royal Motor Yacht Club - 02 9997 5511 |
Scotland Island Lodge - Bed & Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or |
Youth Hostel - (02) 9999 5748 (8-11 am and 5-8 pm) |
Handy Service - "No job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Electrician Wayne on Scotland Island 0418 229 277 - offshore community sparky - |
David Walsh - Graphic Design - Custom Made Sculpture - 0404 239 212 - |
Dog Wash & Grooming - Call Jenni: 0450 444 100 or Email: |
Pittwater ECO Floor Sanding - LUCIO: 0425 376 986 |
Free Pump Outs for Boats - Council with RMS installed a pump out at Careel Bay wharf |
Pilates, Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406 483 036 | |||
Art Classes- drawing and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 0431 457 431 | |||
Dru Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on 0414 187 916 | |||
Green Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins on 0405 330 781 |
Parents & Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS - email Emma |
Island Players
- contact Bob 0414 994 092 or Kez on 0414 994 094 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group, 2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 0414 994 092 |
Island Thinking Group - Roy Baker, 9999 6891, |
Offshore a capella choir – Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call CB on 9997 2035. |
Pittwater Council - 9970 1111 - email Web site click here |
Member for Mackellar Bronwyn Bishop, email clicking here or |
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes, email |
Sydney Airport: Arrivals and Departures |
Qantas: Information |
Jetstar: Information |
Virgin Blue: Information |
Sydney Buses: Information. |
Sydney Ferries: Information |
City Rail: Timetables & Information. |
Country Link Rail: Timetable |
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) | 000 |
Police Assistance Line & Information | 13 1444 or 9281 0000 |
Broken Bay Water Police | 9910 7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken
Bay - Weekend |
9999 3554 -
(02) 8411 1121 |
Rescue Broken
Bay - VHF Radio channel |
Radio Channel: VHF 16 27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88 |
Scotland Island Rural Fire Service | 9999 4404 |
Elvina Bay Rural
Fire Service |
9997 3795 |
Bay Rural
Fire Service |
9979 1612 |
Beach Rural
Fire Service |
1162 |
Fire Service Headquarters Terrey
Hills |
9450 3000 |
NSW Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 | 9265 2999 |
Rural Fire Service General information | 9450 3000 |
State Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES | 13 25 00 9486 3399 |
National Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information | 9457 9322 |
Dept of Community Services: general information | 9977 6011 |
Sydney Water | 132 090 |
Energy Australia | 131 388, (ah) 131 909 |
Join SIRAYou can now join the Scotland Island Residents’ Association through the online Self-Service Portal at, there are offline methods of joining, read more here or contact |
Join West Pittwater Community AssociationTo join the Western Pittwater Community Association, contact Michael Wiener at |
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