IAHF Webmaster: Orthomolecular Medicine

IAHF List: Please forward this information widely world wide- it will help us in our battle to defend consumer access to dietary supplements.

The following database represents the sum total of the published papers of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. This publication began as the Journal of Schizophrenia in 1967. After 1968, the name was changed to Schizophrenia, and from 1971 the name was again changed to Orthomolecular Psychiatry to reflect the increased scope of this type of therapy to other mental illnesses. In 1986, as it became clear that nutritional therapy was widely applicable to both physical as well as mental disease, the publication underwent a final change to the more inclusive Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and is presently published as such today. The titles of all papers for all years are listed along with abstracts if they were included in the original publication. Papers originally published without abstracts (which comprise the majority of the papers) are currently being abstracted manually, and will be added to this database as they become available.

For Health Freedom,
John C. Hammell, President
International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road
Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World