***Support Legal Dispensaries: Go All In
We are at a crossroads as a Nevada patient community that has been without access to medicine, since getting our medical cannabis cards over ten years ago.  Some of us have had to purchase cannabis on the black market; illegal collectives, dispensaries, and delivery services in the past.  The patients are appreciative to the people who risked their freedom and livelihood to provide medicine to the community over the years.  However, it is time that all patients need to get behind legal dispensaries that provide safe, regulated, and tested medicine. 
You can go on Weedmaps, Craigslist, and Leafly and find multiple illegal dispensaries.  Recently flipping through Vegas Cannabis Magazine, I saw illegal dispensaries advertising their services, which deeply angered me.  When I attended Hempfest in Las Vegas in fall, I saw illegal collectives and delivery services advertising and selling medicine at the event.   As Nevada cannabis patients and Medical Marijuana Establishments (MMEs), we must vote with our dollars and support our local regulated dispensaries.  These illegal dispensaries and delivery services are not paying taxes to support our education system and battle born state.  The medicine that these unregulated dispensaries provide is untested and can be contaminated with bugs, mold, bacteria, and heavy metals – risking your health.  Cannabis events and magazines must be socially responsible Nevadan citizens that support progress in Nevada with regulated and tested medication provided by Medical Marijuana Establishments (MMEs).
***Dispensaries Are Coming – Royal Flush
Euphoria Wellness will be opening shortly in January and hopefully many other MMEs to help Nevada patients have access to medicine quickly after many years of no safe access.
***Legislative Fight – Time to Call
We must continue to contact our representatives to advocate for cannabis patients and users.  We must not be fired or discriminated against for being law abiding citizens, who consume cannabis in the comfort of our home.  The DUI laws need to be changed to perceived impairment or the nanograms in the blood increased substantially to protect patients who smoked a few days previously.  Patients should also continue to have the right to grow.  MMEs should be given full transferability of the state business license to allow corporations to invest and increased access to medicine for patients. A statement from the state asserting second amendment rights to bear arms, while being a legal Nevada cannabis card holder would also be helpful.  Nevada can also be the first state to move Cannabis from a schedule 1 drug down to a schedule 2.  Currently Tick Segerblom is meeting Friday, at a Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association luncheon, to discuss with the MMEs how to increase the amount of dispensaries in Nevada, allowing patients more access to medicine.     
Contact your representative and let them know that these issues are important to you.
***NV Cannabis History Lesson – Show the Cards
We had cannabis cafe called the Bluebird Café in 2010, where you could purchase a membership, and medicate in a separate room.  Who will be the entrepreneur that will step up to the table and create a safe place for patients from around the country to socialize with each other?  James Parsons, AKA Dr. Greenbeard, also started a private cannabis club in 2009 called Suite 420, with members paying a fee to play video games, take classes, and socialize. 
*** Cannabis Job Fair – Winner Winner Weed Dinner  
On January 25th WECAN will have its next job fair at the Flamingo Clark County Library, with patients showing up wanting to work in the MJ Industry and connect with dispensaries / cultivation facilities, so they can make their one time sale of genetics and product as dictated by NV law.  If we can connect patients with your business, please contact us or please purchase a sponsorship to attend the job fair.
***Cannabis Info Center & Cannabis Career Institute
On January 17th 4PM-10PM there is a free get together with vendors, food, music, and raffles at Tahiti Village.  On January 18th, they are having an all-day training
***WECAN 702 Radio Show & Please Help Us
We are in need of more individuals connected into the cannabis industry to interview for our broadcast radio show (30-40,000 listenership reach) and YouTube channel.  We are now adding a podcast version of the radio show, which will substantially increase our patient reach.  Please contact (Beach@wecan702.org) if interested.  This would get the word out about your NV MME facility and also help with branding.  We also have 30 second spots that go for $100 apiece.  Our WECAN facebook has over 127,947 likes with 40,762 reached.  We want to help connect you with the cannabis patient community. 
We are seeking donations of MJ Business T-Shirts or items that are branded to your business that you would like to donate to us to sell by donation at First Friday and our patient parties.  This will give patients the opportunity to wear / advertise your business logo.  We can also give you a tax receipt because WECAN is a non-profit.   
**420 Yoga
If you love yoga and want to attend Nevada’s first 420 Beginner Yoga Class – it is taught by yours truly at Blue Sky Yoga inside the Arts Factory every Tuesday at 4:30PM.  http://www.GoldLightYoga.com
Forward this link to a friend so they can subscribe to this list --->
https://ymlp.com/xgmehbqhgmgh (https://ymlp.com/xgmehbqhgmgh )
If I can be of help in some capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me and always let it ride on green.
Jason Sturtsman
Wellness Education Cannabis Advocates of Nevada (WECAN)
Board of Directors