Tuesday, March 22, 2016
John 18:38-39 "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." "What is truth?" retorted Pilate.
What is truth? Pontius Pilate did not believe in the existence of absolute truth. Today's world is much the same. "You have your truth, and I have mine" characterizes the thinking of the day. Similarly, how often don't we hear that what we teach about the Bible is merely a matter of our own interpretation. So many have swallowed Satan's lie that what we Christians say is truth is really just our opinion.
But Jesus Christ is absolute, flesh and blood, truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Him. He speaks to us in His Word, the Bible. Nothing He says is up for interpretation. Everything He says applies to all people of all time.
Our task is to preach the plain Word, whether people believe it or not. We are to tell it like it is about man's sin and what we all deserve because of our sin. We are to denounce the modern day acceptance of sins like same-sex marriage, pre-marital living together, etc. We are to teach that even sins of the heart (greed, lust, hate, etc.) are worthy of God's eternal wrath and punishment. We are to make it clear from Scripture that no one is saved by his own works or merits.
But our most treasured task is to preach the truth of Jesus' sinless life and sufferings and death for every single sinner. The truth is that all sin was transferred to Jesus as He hung on Calvary's cross, and that His perfection was also then credited to each and every sinner. The truth is that Jesus is the one and only Savior this world has, or ever will have. The truth is that God loves all people and wants them all to be saved. The truth is that whoever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.
Our great and certain hope is not based on opinions or personal interpretations, but upon God's unchanging, rock-solid truth. God's Word is truth. Truth to hold! Truth to live! Truth to share!