TIME: 10.00AM
– 12.00PM
All SIRA members are welcome to observe the meeting.
An Open Discussion Session will follow between 12.00pm – 12.30pm
Download Agenda here
Bay Track Wildflower Bushwalk
Saturday 27th
Elvina Bay Fireshed Dinners are coming ....
next Elvina Bay Fireshed Dinner, the first for the upcoming summer, is
to be held on October 4th.
Calling all Volunteers to Cook !!
I am here to coordinate the fireshed dinners, and willing to help the
chefs out in any way I can with organising pre event and on the day /
Please put your team together, grab your neighbours and friends, come
up with a theme for the dinner and get in touch with me and we can make
it happen, with funds from the RFS and helping hands and equipment from
all around.
Usually these dinners attract about 100 people, so if you have always
wanted to do one, but have felt that the numbers are too large for you,
I am here to work with you to show you how easy it is, especially in
our amazing community.
Dogs Have Their Day This Weekend
The day Pittwater
pooches have been waiting for all year is here! Pittwater
Council’s annual Dog Day by the Bay at Rowland Reserve Bayview is on
this Sunday 21 September.
Organiser Emma Mackay said this year’s event was shaping up to be the
best yet. Now in its 14th year, the event which attracts over
3000 people has had a great response from nearly 40 stall holders and
“There is a great variety of fun competitions, demonstrations and talks
on interesting topics relevant to dog owners and over $3,500 worth of
prizes on offer thanks to the generosity of donators.
“We are pleased to have special guests Steve Austin and Dr Jo
Righetti on hand to answer your most complex behavioural questions.
“Attendees can stay informed on activities and events by the
popular Pet Talk Radio team, Brian and Kaye, who will MC the event,”
added Ms MacKay.
Ms Mackay said Dog Day by the Bay was an opportunity for dogs to
learn obedience techniques, skills and compete in fun competitions such
as the ever popular doggy dash.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am to 3pm with activities
including agility demonstrations, education talks and a sheepdog
herding demonstration by Australian Working Dogs Rescue.
Children are also catered for at this fun family event with
children’s activities in the kids’ corner and competitions including
the Canine Fancy Dress Parade and the kids under 12’s ‘Pooper Scooper’
A variety of food and drink stalls will also be at the event and
proceeds raised will be donated to local branch of the Animal Welfare
League. Entry and parking are free.
Ms MacKay reminded attendees to pick up their giveaway bags
containing Purina Dental Chews, an event map, program and flyers, it
also doubles as a shopping bag.
The popular “Advantix Pittwater Dog of the Year 2014” My Dog My
Hero! photo competition will also be announced on the day.
This year’s Dog Day by the Bay
Event has been proudly sponsored by
Advantix and the Manly Daily.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong Scotland Island
Spring Term Classes 2014
along and treat yourself to some relaxation and nurturing. You deserve
Tai Chi and Qi Gong are great for your health generally. The low
intensity nature of the movements allows for relaxation but also
encourages your flexibility, strength and balance. The movements work
on the digestion, respiration, circulation and elimination functions of
our bodies as well as strengthening the immune system.
We will play Tai Chi outdoors when the weather is friendly.
Spring Term Classes resume on Fridays in the Scotland Island Community
Please note NEW CLASS TIME 10.30-11.30 am
Spring Term Dates
17 Oct, 24 Oct, 14 Nov, 21 Nov, 28 Nov, 5 December
I have some training and conferencing commitments overseas, so class
dates are a bit disjointed this term! Sorry about this!
Happy breathing
Chris McGrath
Please email or phone me if you intend to come to classes or want more
Mobile 0416221040
For Sale
2012 Quintrex 490 Coast Runner

$26,000 ono
All enquiries call 0418408129
- Very well maintained including regular
servicing - details available on request
- Millennium aluminium mono hull
- Mercury 60HP 4Stroke Mercury outboard fully
maintained in accordance
with Mercury recommendation by Mercury accredited service provider -
approx 240 hrs

- Hydraulic steering installed less than 12
months ago
- Full length 2 part Bimini cover with clears
- Rod holder, self-draining deck, telescopic
ladder, cup holders, swivel seats
- Safety gear - 5 life jackets, paddle, first aid
kit and torch.
- Walk through dash, under floor and rear seat
Sofa & 2 large matching armchairs.
They are FREE for whoever wants them (all or any separate piece)
They are structurally
in excellent condition. The Sofa upholstery is in very good condition,
but the chairs each have a stain on one arm.
Phone Amber 9997 3078
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e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here. Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)