To Firstname

Wednesday 18 July
There is a change to the published programme this week. We were originally going to see images from the London Salon but owing to a slight technical hitch this is not available; Mike Bews has switched the programme around and we will, instead, be seeing the Royal Photographic Society Nature Group Exhibition which was originally scheduled for 1 August. This is a showing of the entries in the annual RPS Nature Group Exhibition of members’ work.  There are two sections – prints and projected images – and we have a CD slide show with commentary showing an impressive and diverse variety of images.  For more information, see
The London Salon will now be shown on 1 August.

Honorary Life members
Those of you who attended the AGM will remember that Mike & Barbara Salter received Honorary Life Memberships of BPS in recognition of the many years of service they have given to the Society. Among the posts they have held are:
Mike - Programme Secretary, Deputy Chairman, Librarian, Treasurer, Membership Secretary
Barbara - Society Secretary (17 years), Clubroom Steward
Together - Photography Course, Salon Committee.
You can see that there aren't many Society posts that they haven't held and they both continue to be members of the Salon Committee. This is one award that is definitely well deserved, congratulations and thanks to you both. 
In response to the award, Mike & Barbara have asked me to include the following in the Newsletter:
"On behalf of Barbara and myself may I express our thanks and appreciation to the BPS Council and Society members in granting us Honorary Life Membership. We know this honour is not often granted by the Society which makes it all the more special to us.
We hope that we can continue to serve the Society in whatever way we can.
Sincerely, Barbara and Mike Salter"
Lightroom Demonstrations
At the last DI meeting Bob Micklewaite’s introduction to Lightroom stimulated a lot of interest. There is still plenty more that Lightroom is capable of and well worth exploring further. Bob has kindly agreed to extend his demo but rather than rush it at the usual DI meeting it would be better to arrange two separate Monday evenings for those interested to learn more about Lightroom.
Ashwin has arranged two special DI meetings devoted to Lightroom on Mondays, 30th July and 6th August 2012 at the clubroom starting as usual at 7.30 pm. There will be free coffee, tea and of course, the chocolate biscuits for refreshments to see you through the evening. Everyone is welcome to join in.
Bob has got notes in the form of ‘slide shows’ which can be copied on your USB pen drive. They are large files and Barry is looking into the feasibility of putting them up in the members' area on our web site and Ashwin will keep us posted on that.

Themed Summer Print Competition
Don't forget that the closing date for the Themed Summer Print Competition is Wednesday 25 July. Full details were published in the Newsletter for 27 June which you should be able to access via the Archive link at the end of this missive.

St Peter's Hospice - Update
Midnight Walk - Last Saturday 6 of us met up at Ashton Gate, at getting on for midnight, to photograph walkers in the St Peter's annual Midnight Walk. Nothing had prepared us for what we were about to be confronted with - 1200 highly excited women (I have that effect on the opposite sex!) all dressed in pink tee-shirts and various other articles of fancy dress and all chomping at the bit to start a 10 mile slog that would lead them along the Portway, around the Downs, through Clifton to Hotwells and then eventually arriving back at some ungodly hour at Ashton Gate. To our shame, although we were in cars, we had a job to keep up with them, but between us we managed to take several hundred shots which have now been passed on to St Peters, many of which are on their Facebook page.
Many thanks to Andrew Marker, Mark Gilbert, Ken Clarke, Mike May and Carol Sykes for joining me on such a wet but enjoyable evening.
Pictures of Bristol for the Hospice - After my pleas at club and in these pages I now have a full CD of images to hand to the Hospice so that they can select twenty that will be hung in the patients' bedrooms and in some of the public areas in the Hospice at Henbury. We will get these printed, mounted and framed and then present them to the Hospice.
Very many thanks to the following for contributing images:
Graham Baines, Steve Bevan, Bob Faris, Mike Fox, Rob & Maureen Gillet, Beryl Heaton, Chris Hirons, John Hudson, Andrew Marker, Neil McCoubrey, Juliet Oakhill, Graham Reeves, Nick Roper, Paul Smith, David & Patsy Southwell, Gordon Stirrat, Carol Sykes, Steve Taylor & Nicola Williams.

Nikon Coolscan and Windows 7
I have had several requests to republish the link first included in the Newsletter last August, and originally sent in by Rebecca Fong, for getting round the problem of finding Windows 7, 64 Bit drivers for Nikon Coolscan scanners. Nikon have stopped support of these scanners and the following link takes you to a "work around" that gets over this problem of the lack of suitable drivers. It has been tried by several BPS members who say that it definitely works, so here it is:

FIAP Distinctions
The list of successful applications for FIAP Distinctions in England for 2012 has just been published and out of a total of 139 awards nationally, 11 were to BPS Members which is the highest number for any club in England this year; so well done to all concerned. To see the full list go to the BPS website ( and log into the members area where you will find it as the first item (user name - chatroom, password - pixel).

Photovision Roadshow - Bristol
The Photovision Roadshow visits Ashton Gate on 17 July and is a photographic trade show which might be of interest and, much more importantly, is free to enter. All you need to do is go to their website and register.

Things to Photograph
Erratum - Last week I wrote that the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival is on the 13 & 14 July, this should have read 14 & 15 July, sorry if you're reading this half way up the M5 on Friday!
The Festival of British Eventing mentioned last week has become another victim of the weather and has been cancelled.

Bristol Harbourside Triathalon - for those of you who are better at watching than doing (by far the most sensible way to take part in sport) visit the Bristol harbourside this Sunday morning, 15 July, to see the annual Bristol Harbourside Triathalon. The event starts with a 1500m swim in the harbour followed by a 40km cycle ride and finishing with a 10km run. Full details can be found by visiting the event website at

Bristol Harbour Festival is being held over the weekend of Friday 20 to Sunday 22 July. A variety of circus, dance, music and theatre acts will be heading to the harbourside for three days of festive fun. Visit to find out more.

If you know of any events happening that might be of interest to fellow club members, please let me know and I will include the details here.

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
 If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.

Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive