Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Isaiah 46:9b-10a I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.


Just about anything could happen in the world tomorrow: A terrorist attack in some place least expected. An earthquake devastating thousands. A passenger plane exploding in midair. Just about anything could happen in your life tomorrow: Your car breaking down. A loved one suddenly rushed to the hospital. A tree crashing into the side of your house.

People wish they could know the future. Many worry about the future. Certain people claim they can predict the future.

God alone knows the future. He alone can predict the future. In the Bible He reveals certain future events. Most of these events have already come to pass. Apart from what God has revealed, the future is totally unknown to us. The best mankind can do is make educated guesses about future events.

As Christ-believers we leave the future to God. We learn to face each new day as it comes, trusting in the goodness and grace of our loving Savior God. We know we need not worry about what tomorrow may bring for God will make it all work out for our eternal good (cf. Romans 8:28). We can trust God to care for all our needs of today and tomorrow. He cares about the flowers of the fields and the birds of the air, but He cares about us so much more (Matthew 6:25-34).

Finally we remember that Jesus' cross and empty tomb have settled the great issues of our lives. Our sins have all been washed away by Jesus' blood. A place in heaven is waiting for us where, body and soul, we will live with Him forever. As we stay in His Word, we can live in the certainty that our earthly and eternal futures are safe in His nail-scarred hands.

Yes, we know all we need to know about the future. Let us then learn in faith to leave the details to God!