T H E   B E S T   N E W   W O M E N   P O E T S
for 20 years

Submission Period is NOW

Perugia Press Prize
for a First or Second Book by a Woman

Prize: $1000 and publication
Entry must be submitted between August 1 and November 15, 2016.


N E W   R E L E A S E :

  by Lisa Allen Ortiz

Winner of the 2016 Perugia Press Prize
for a first or second book of poetry by a woman

At the dig box, I think of the oxygen tank,
its lift and buzz, a pump that sighed
like lungs hummed through lips. We want to
last. We want to hang on.
Before the hospital, you spent afternoons
with your feet up reading novels, your long
arms, golden watch, a cigarette, a lipstick case.
Evenings, you walked alone the wide, cold beach.
A kept woman my mother called you, and visiting
I would roll around the velvet benches,
lift up the pieces in your collections—
sand dollar fossils, fishing lures,
wooden decoys, books on birds.
Replicas of mastodon and mammoth bones
buried in a box of sand. We learn to discover
by sweeping with tiny brooms.
You're invited to our 20th anniversary!

 Reunion Celebration Reading
Saturday, November 12th at 7:30 PM
Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts

Plus free organized conversations & workshops
about poetry in the world— 
Topics include: creativity, curiosity, translation, work, and more

Stay tuned for details. Save the dates.

PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062