BPS Newsletter - Issue 91 28 May 2014
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Next Wednesday we have a visit from Nick Jenkins ARPS AWPF who is a member of Gwynfa Camera Club in Wales; he is a professional photographer and a member of the Light and Land team run by Charlie Waite. Nick's talk is called Looking for Landscapes.
Annual Projected Image Competition
Last Wednesday saw the highlight of the Projected Imaged calendar with the Annual Projected Image Competition, which this year was judged by Tom Dodd FRPS from Wales. There were a total of 137 images submitted (Intermediate - 41 images from 9 photographers, Natural History - 21 images from 10 photographers and Open - 75 images from 19 photographers).
The results are shown below:
Photographer |
Title |
Award |
John Hudson |
Pallid Bat Over Pool |
Best Overall |
Paul Smith |
Tranquil Sunset |
1st |
David Alderson |
The Bridge |
2nd |
Paul Smith |
Walking Into The Void |
3rd |
Steve Bevan |
Good Hair Day |
HC |
Steve Bevan |
Pendine Rocks |
HC |
Neil Brain |
Taking Off |
HC |
Ruth Brown |
Pondering |
HC |
Mike Fox |
Misty Morning |
HC |
Mark Gilbert |
Smile Please |
HC |
Paul Smith |
The Butterfly Man |
HC |
John Hudson |
Pallid Bat Over Pool |
1st |
Greg Duncan |
Peregrine Falcon |
2nd |
Peter Smith |
Imperial Shag with Nesting Material |
3rd |
Barry Mead |
Sandhill Crane Flying |
HC |
Mary Pears |
Male Red Grouse |
HC |
Peter Smith |
Ospreys |
HC |
Steve Taylor |
File Eared Tree Frog |
HC |
Greg Duncan |
Early Snow on Wyoming Range |
1st |
Greg Duncan |
Wet Cold Snow |
2nd |
Neil McCoubrey |
Seljalandsfoss |
3rd |
Val Duncan |
Arabesque |
HC |
Val Duncan |
Quad Bike Race |
HC |
Val Duncan |
Slam Dunk |
HC |
Rob Gillet |
Memories |
HC |
Rob Gillet |
Sussex Beach |
HC |
Neil McCoubrey |
Dyrholaey-2 |
HC |
Neil McCoubrey |
Wistmans Wood-2 |
HC |
Steve Taylor |
Forest Giants at Dawn |
HC |
Keith Wood |
The Jump |
HC |
Richard Harris |
Mud Wash |
Best Mono |
Val Duncan |
Quad Bike Race |
Best Action |
Greg Duncan |
Early Snow on Wyoming Range |
Best Travel |
Paul Smith |
The Butterfly Man |
Best People |
Paul Smith |
Tranquil Sunset |
Best Landscape |
These are the 3 main class winners
Tranquil Sunset
Paul Smith

Pallid Bat Over Pool
John Hudson
This image also won the award for the Best Overall Image
Early Snow on Wyoming Range
Greg Duncan
This image also won the award for the Best Travel Image

David Boag at Kingswood PS
Vanessa Herring at Kingswood Photographic Society has sent the following invitation:
Kingswood Photographic Society is absolutely delighted to welcome David Boag as their speaker on Friday 30th May (7.30 at St Barnabas Church Hall, Warmley, Bristol BS30 5JJ). The title of David’s illustrated talk is ‘The world of a wildlife photographer’.
David says: “This entertaining lecture spans 35 years of photography and takes us to 5 continents. The questions I am most often asked are: What are my ‘favourites’, Which pictures please me most, What is the best place I have visited and, Which subjects do I most enjoy photographing? These are impossible questions to answer because ones opinion constantly changes. How can I possibly compare the Queensland tropical rain forest with the desert of Utah; or compare the delicate but vibrant sunbirds with the power and majesty of a bald eagle? It may be impossible but, in this lecture, I am going to try! I will work my way through commissions over a span of 30 years to my latest and most exciting project.”
For further information about David Boag, pop onto the website, or his Flickr gallery, from which you’ll see why this promises to be an excellent evening. We hope to see you there.
Free Calotype Demonstration at Lacock Abbey
Thanks to Nicky Williams for details of this forthcoming event at Lacock.
A free demo of the Calotype process will take place at Lacock Abbey on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd June, from 10:30am on both days. This event is free, but normal admission charges to Lacock Abbey still apply. Photography in Fox Talbot's day
How were the earliest photographs made? Find out more about the fascinating processes involved in the very place where Fox Talbot created the first photographic negative. Calotypes and photogenic drawings will be demonstrated by Richard Cynan Jones and Alex Burnham, experts in historic photographic techniques. If the sun shines, there will also be a chance to make your very own 'sun print' to take home with you. Visitor Reception: 01249 730459, lacockabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk Event details
- Booking not needed
- Normal admission charges apply
- Please wear clothing suitable for the outdoors.
- The event will take place on the South Lawn in front of the famous window featured in the very first negative.
- Assistance Dogs only are welcome
- Children may enjoy finding out about these historic techniques.
- Paths to the event site are wide, flat and lightly gravelled. The event will take place on a flat lawn. Sorry, no induction loop.
PAGB Inter-Club PDI Competition at Warwick
The PAGB Inter Club PDI Competition is being held at Warwick University on Saturday 12 July. BPS is representing the WCPF this year and it would be great to see a contingent of club members travelling to up the M5 to support us. If you'd like to order a ticket, you can download an order form by clicking on this link.
We have received notice of several forthcoming events that you may be interested in signing up for:
3 & 4 June - Probably the largest group of Dakota Aircraft gathered together in the UK since WWII, at HMS Daedalus (RNAS Lee-on-the-Solent). In addition to these iconic aircraft, there will also be a Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Stagger Wing that will be appearing in its original DDay colours (Blue & Grey), a Beach Expeditor in Fleet Air Arm colours, a Kennet Sea Fire and the possibility of a RNHF Sea Fury and two Spitfires. For full details, please follow this link.
July & August - For those of you interested in a more sedate form of transport, there are a number of chances to photograph steam locos at Didcot Railway Centre in the coming months. Full details of these events can be found here.
Can I remind you that this year’s AGM takes place on 9 July. All motions for the AGM must be received by the Secretary by 4 June at the latest (please see page 12 of your BPS Handbook 2013-2014). All motions must be in writing, signed by the proposer and seconder and either posted to: The Secretary, Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH or given to Carol at any Wednesday meeting no later than 4 June.
Please note these changes to the programme:
11th June
Delete - Rachel Burch
Add - Tony Byram ARPS EFIAP AWPF DPAGB and Jenny Byram DPAGB EFIAP/B BPE1*
“MR & MRS” Two different approaches to photography. Prints & DPI.
18th June
Delete - Ray Dowding
Add - David Burnett - “Burnett’s Baroque” DPI evening of visits to Dresden, Prague, Venice, Verona, Rome and Potsdam.
The local branch of Calumet (at Montpelier) will be holding an open day on Thursday 5th June. Full details can be found by following this link. I'm told that an incentive to go along is the fact that there will be free sensor cleaning (Nikon & Canon only).
And Don't Forget ...........
“Photography is not about cameras, equipment, gadgets or gizmos.
Photography is about photographers.
A camera didn’t make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel.”
Peter Adams
If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Items will remain in this section for one month from the date of insertion or until notification of sale, whichever is the sooner.
(24/06) Epson Stylus PHOTO R2400 Printer (A3 and A4), very little used, in great condition, with a full set of new inks (worth over £100) This was the definitive A3 printer for many years.
(24/06) LG Monitor 20", ideal for use with a net book or laptop.
(24/06) Panasonic Lumix TZ40 (Refurbished by Panasonic and used twice since) ideal pocket compact with 20x zoom.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
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To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixel
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: secretary@bristolphoto.org.uk or by telephone: 0117 9241338.
Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH