Daily Devotions
Saturday, May 4, 2019
John 20:28 (NKJV) Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"
"My Lord and My God"
We are indebted to the twin among the apostolic band for a crystal clear confession of faith as to just who our Jesus is. It is a confession that in the apostle's case also betokened a new life of service to the ever-living King.
According to tradition, in the year A.D. 52 Thomas arrived in ancient India to present this one true God that He might replace the false Krishna, Siva, Vishnu, etc. in the hearts of both Brahmin and Outcaste.
The Syriac "Doctrine of the Apostles" refers to Judas Thomas writing from India. In the apocryphal "Acts of St. Thomas" from the third century the story goes: "When the Apostles had been for a time in Jerusalem, they divided the countries among them in order that each one might preach in the region which fell to him; and India fell to the lot of Judas Thomas."
According to the tradition, as Paul was on the outset of his third missionary journey, Thomas began evangelizing the west coast of India. During his possible ten years of labor along this coast, tradition says he reached many of the higher castes with the Gospel of forgiveness in Christ. The newness of life that Thomas had in the resurrected Lord compelled him to work also on the east coast.
After perhaps seven more years of witnessing to both kingly potentate and forsaken commoner, he was martyred in the southern part of what is now Madras. Once Thomas had said: "Let us also go, that we may die with Him" (John 11:16). He would die not with His Savior, but for Him. It is reported that an assassin hired by a local king's heathen priest did in Thomas as he prayed, piercing him by a spear. His soul now awaits the glorious resurrection guaranteed to all who make the profession of Jesus: "My Lord and my God!"
— From the Lutheran Spokesman
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