Perugia Press Prize
for a First or Second Book by a Woman

Prize: $1000 and publication

Entry must be submitted electronically
or postmarked no later than November 15, 2014.
sweet husk
by Corrie Williamson

 Winner of the 2014 Perugia Press Prize
In Sweet Husk, poetry and archaeology reflect one another: what is buried provides insight into—and deepens the mystery of—the ways we engage with the world. We come to see how our lives are dwarfed by our place in the vast landscape of topography and time. Claudia Emerson calls Corrie Williamsons book, “an amazing accomplishment.”  
My Father’s Pronunciation

Somewhere in the past, in the Bedford
hills, you left behind the old way of speaking—

or mostly did: a few words you kept
unthinkingly, and I crouched in their wake

like a child with a Ball jar capped with hole-
punched cloth, that I might close them up,

stow them by my bed at night, be lulled to sleep
by the rustle of their wings against the glass.

Most of all, I wanted to save the word bury:  
how you’d speak it like it was written,

so that when you said, We had to bury the old man
in winter, with the ground frozen,

the word rhymed with fury, not with tarry.

Read another sample poem and buy the book.   Click here.
Corrie Williamson has readings scheduled—from Montana to Virginia to Massachusetts.  Check out when shell be near you.

Pulling It All Together:
Preparing Your Poetry Manuscript for Publication
Personal Manuscript Reviews by Perugia Press Editor Susan Kan. 

Susan looks at more than 500 manuscripts each year. She knows what affects how well a manuscript is received in a contest—from its physical presentation to the overall cohesiveness of the poetry. She offers a personal manuscript review service for individualized feedback on poetry manuscripts.

“A year ago you reviewed my manuscript, and I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your astute, generous, and sensitive response. I worked hard on revising per your advice, and in August of 2013, I won a first book award from ABZ press, judged by C.D. Wright. Needless to say I am thrilled.”  
Jean McDonough, February 2014
Perugia Press
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062