Helen Arney news
October 2011
Hello there. I hope you're well? There's something I'm terribly proud of in this newsletter today - a music video for my song You & Me & Walt Disney. I hope you can find 3 minutes to click on it and enjoy some animated silliness. There's other news too, here's a rundown:
- Shows coming up soon in Cambridge, Newport, Birmingham, Reading, Kensal Rise Library, Bloomsbury Theatre & more... gig list here
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"You & Me & Walt Disney" - animated video out today!
For ages I've wanted to make a cute film out of this song, complete with full band, accordion, percussion and crazu multilayered harmonies. Both Chris and Olly have made this better than I ever imagined. Hurrah them!
You can also buy the song for a quid on Bandcamp with a free bonus track about giant killer crabs.
Ada Lovelace Day - celebrating inspirational women, 7th Oct
Who? Countess Ada Lovelace. Arguably the first computer programmer, and the namesake of a day celebrating inspirational women in science, technology, maths, medicine and engineering.
The London event is already sold out (sorry, you'll have to wait until next year to see Maggie Philbin, Gia Milinovich, Sue Black, Maggie Aderin-Pocock, comedians Helen Keen, Kate Smurthwaite, Sara Pascoe & me all at once) but take a look at FindingAda.com on Friday and, if you'd like to, add your story.
Festival of the Spoken Nerd open the London Science Festival
FOTSN attempt to bring sexy back to science...
Thanks to everyone who has come along to a FOTSN so far this year, it's been amazing to have such great audiences for our geek comedy trio. Our regular nights at the New Red Lion are all sold out until December BUT here's an extra special show... We're opening the first London Science Festival later this month at the motherloving Shakespeare's Globe!
Wednesday 19th October, Shakespeare's Globe
Investigating the science of sensation, complete with illusions, mental trickery and a Shakespearean twist, with guest psychologist Professor Bruce Hood and Piff the Magic Dragon
Tickets £12 / £10 (scroll down for our event - hey look! Free wine!)
We're also doing two free hour-long shows at the first direct Dialogue Festival in Notting Hill on 3rd November, curated by Richard Herring. Shows are 8pm and 9.30pm, and we're exploring the history of the internet with guest comedian David Trent.
Tickets are free but strictly limited, there are links over here: fotsn.com
Radio 4 show & more gigs around the country
I'm making another brief appearance on Radio 4 this autumn, in the Wondermentalist Cabaret, as a guest of the brilliant poet and all-round top chap Matt Harvey. We're recording it at Cheltenham Literature Festival, and although there isn't a link on the BBC website yet, please do set your recording devices / iPlayer reminders for:
Tuesday 11th October, 23:00
I also have a lot of lovely gigs in the diary, all around the country. Full gig list here - do take a look if you live anywhere near these places:
Newport - solo hour at Wales' newest Comedy Festival, 15th Oct
Kensal Rise - benefit for the Library with Robin Ince, Phill Jupitus, Robyn Hitchcock, 17th Oct
Reading - TAG comedy charity show with Mae Martin, 22nd Oct
Cambridge - a night of awesome geeky comedy at the Cambridge Ideas Festival, 29th Oct
Birmingham - Kill for a Seat, at mac, 4th Nov
Bloomsbury Theatre, London - In December I'm doing the full run of "Nine Lessons & Carols for Godless People" again this year, with Robin Ince as always, and special guests including Stewart Lee, Isy Suttie, Josie Long, and Neil Hannon of the Divine Comedy. Neil Hannon! I wrote a song about him last year. Wow. My mind is blown!
Tom Humberstone's Solipsistic Pop comic book periodical
If you've been getting emails from me for a while, you'll have seen a lot of illustrations by wonderful Tom Humberstone - there's one on the right just there, which we used as our poster for Festival of the Spoken Nerd at the Edinburgh Fringe this year.
As well as being a brilliant artist, Tom produces an annual collection of new work by comic book artists called Solipsistic Pop. The 4th edition is coming up and it looks amazing... if you like owning beautiful things, supporting unique artists and getting free perks as an early adopter (you only have 4 weeks to stake your claim on a copy!) go look it up here:
Cheers for reading all through this. I hope you had a great summer. Just hit reply to send me your news. Or there's Twitter @helenarney. And Facebook, but - seriously - does any check that any more?
Cheers, and stay well,
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