Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Matthew 27:42 "He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him."
When Jesus stood before Caiaphas, many false witnesses came forward with lies about Him. It was part of His suffering and we bow our heads in shame that our sinfulness brought such undeserved accusations upon Him.
But when Jesus hung on the cross, his enemies came to stand on Golgatha and increase His suffering by jeering Him with the truth: "He saved others." He surely had! Just ask that couple at Cana. He saved them from embarrassment. Ask the blind, the lame, the lepers. He saved them from disease, disability, disfigurement. Ask a centurion up in Capernaum, a synagogue leader named Jairus, a widow in Nain. He saved them from deep grief and their loved ones from death!
He saved others, all right, and His enemies knew it, but they still had no confidence in Him because they did not understand the truth of their second jibe: "Himself He cannot save." That was so true! Just hours before, in the garden, He had prayed, "Father, if it is possible, take this cup from me," as if to say, "If there is any other way to save humans from their sins, let's do it that way." But His father did not send Him another way. He sent an angel to strengthen Him for the baptism that He had to undergo. There was no other way, and the LORD laid on Him the iniquity of us all. He had to drink the cup of suffering in order to gain forgiveness for us, peace with God, eternal life. He could not save Himself and save us too.
The mockers thought that His hanging on the cross was due to His weakness, but we know that it was due to the great strength of His mighty love for us. He saved others, even you and me, by tasting death for us all. He is the Son of God, but He could not save Himself from the cross and leave the cup of suffering for us to drink. He loved us too much.
Oh, the height of Jesus' love! Higher than the heav'ns above,
Deeper than the depths of sea, Lasting as eternity.
Love that found me -- wondrous thought!
Found me when I sought Him not.