We wish you a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Volvo-Year!

Warehouse tour by David Bello
David Bello who has restored several Volvos to show quality, brought his rescued Volvo 164 all the way from the West Coast.
Tech tip, 1800 wipers
The 1800 used different styles of wiper arms/blades over the years.
5 mm blade connection wiper arms/blades. Blades and arms available.
1800E 1970-71
7 mm blade connection wiper arms/blades. Blades only available.
1800ES 1972-73
Pin on side connection. 72 & 73 used different arms. Both available.
1972-73 blades not available.
If there are no wipers on a car the arms/blades available
for the 1800S wipers can be installed all years.
Available wiper parts
665636 Wiper arm 1800 61-71 stainless LH (5 mm)
665637 Wiper arm 1800 61-71 stainless RH (5 mm)
665638 Wiper blade 1800 61-68 with retainer
673193 Wiper blade 1800 69-71 w retainer 7 mm
685696 Wiper arm 1800E/ES 71-72 LH
685697 Wiper arm 1800E/ES 71-72 RH
1213266 Wiper arm 1800ES 1973 stainless 
VP Autoparts at Volvo Club of America annual meeting

VP Autoparts participated at the annual National meet in Gettysburg, PA
first week September 2021.
Below some photos of the show area and the interior of the beautiful 1961 1800 restored by Scott Doering.  At the last photo our co-worker Matthew is checking out the front suspension installation on Randy Watson’s 123 GT show car. 
VP Autoparts ships cars to Sweden for customers.
The aisle in our warehouse has temporary become “1800 alley”.

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