Flash News No.  22/2014
from 6th of August 2014


Nilfisk-CFM will be Nilfisk
The renowned manufacturer of industrial vaccum solutions, Nilfisk-CFM, will change it’s branding.


With the beginning of January 1st, the company will operate under the
trade name “Nilfisk”, using the additional identifier “Industrial Vacuum Solutions” and the well known Nilfisk brand coordinated image -
including the color and structure.

“Our products, sales and service will not change and we will continue to provide you with unique high quality industrial vacuum solutions.” says Leonardo Bianco, Global Brand Marketing Manager.

„The brand Nilfisk industrial vacuum solutions will keep a strong focus on customer needs, a dedicated sales division in each local market and a complete range of industrial vacuums, pneumatic conveyors, centralized vacuum systems and high power vacuums.”

With the rebranding, Nilfsik is going to extend their portfolio. Commercial vacuum cleaners, scrubber/dryers, sweepers, single discs, burnishers and carpet extractors will now be sold under the same trade name as well as industrial vacuums, pneumatic conveyors and centralized vacuum systems.
The company’s website will also change.The new website address will be industrial-vacuum.nilfisk.com (without www).














