Thursday, January 12, 2006
John 14:6
It is said that real men never stop for directions. Many a good woman has spent many a needless hour cooped up in the car waiting for the man of the house to find his way. His male ego won't let him suffer the embarrassment of having to stop for directions.
Maybe we get a chuckle out of that familiar scenario. Yet it is no laughing matter when it comes to where an individual will spend eternity. Jesus is the WAY! Try to find your own WAY, and you're lost. Could it be that we have lost a sense of urgency regarding Jesus' claim to be the One, True, Way to Life?
If a relative drifts into the grip of false religion, are we tempted to say nothing, just to keep peace in the family? Knowing the consequences of our silence, are we really going to do nothing to point that person in the right direction?
If one of our young people announces that he's going to live together with a person of the opposite sex without the benefit of marriage, can we keep silent, knowing that unrepented sin eventually kills one's relationship with the Savior?
Or when you look at the boy sitting next to you at the dinner table, are you willing to encourage him to pray about offering His life to Christ as a pastor or missionary? Or that little girl by your side, can't you picture her in a class room helping Jesus' little lambs along the only Way to Heaven?
We know the peace of not being lost. What sweet relief to know we're on the right road! (All praise to Jesus -- the WAY!) Let us work in every way we can to point others in the right direction!