Hi Firstname
I have received the following email from Sue O'Connell, the contents of which are self explanatory
Pete Howell
Hi Pete
It would be much appreciated if this appeal for a judge could be broadcast ahead of the next Newsletter. It’s a worthwhile cause and an interesting opportunity for judges (or aspiring judges) to assess school childrens’ work, completely uninfluenced by the world of club photography! Peter and I judged this last year and have been invited again this year but unfortunately can’t manage to fit it in.
Anyone interested is welcome to contact us for a bit more info but it's basically very straightforward. Get in touch with the organiser, Geoff Peattie, and take it from there.
Bristol Rotary Club - Young Photographer Competition
The topic this time is ‘The Beauty of Architecture’, and again a single image is to be submitted by each student.  Our closing date is 14 November, so allowing my colleague Michael Bertagne time to sort and collate the entries, we should be able to get the images to you by the end of November, and could then allow you 2-3 weeks for your judging. 
Last year there were around 70 images, and I would be surprised (and delighted?) if we did receive more than that.  There may of course be fewer, who knows?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Geoff Peattie
Rotary Club of Bristol
0780 525 1183
0117 968 3138