In this newsletter:
- The reason why this letter arrives so late
- The winners of the free Birthday Walk&Talk
(and pictures)
- More pictures of recent lessons
- Visit expo @ Ton de Kruijk
- New schedule
The reason why this letter arrives so late
Today is my mother's 70th birthday. In the Netherlands, we usually make a "Sarah"-doll when a woman turns 50 (and an "Abraham" for a man). My mother never had gotten a Sarah, so I made one for her this year.
My parents live an hour from here, in Brabant, and Marja, who came here to teach us (us = a Total Immersion 2 group and me) how to geocache, was so nice to bring "Sarah" to Brabant.
We had to take the Sarah on our walk through the woods to Marja's car and took a lot of pictures (If you look closely, you can see "Sarah" in the picture above). I wanted to share the pictures we made, but I know that my mother reads my newsletters too, so I had to wait till her birthday ;-)
(Sorry, the picture below refused to be turned around... the older, the more stubborn? ;-) )

The winners of the free Birthday Walk&Talk
The winners of the free Walk & Talk (to celebrate my 50th birthday) were: Adriana, Alex, Sarah, Sylvain (the best French teacher), Linh, Abdel, Tinbit,
Silvia, Pamela, Felicity, Desa and Candice.
My friend Iris (the best German tutor) came along to help with all the conversation activities.
It was such a great morning (despite the VERY cold weather) and I will probably announce a new free Walk & Talk in my next newsletter, so stay tuned ;-)
During those lessons, we learned how to play Geocache, we played an escape room game, went out for lunch, held presentations, cooked, shopped, walked/talked a lot, sang, told jokes, did Chi Fit with Asta and made a portrait with Ton de Kruijk. (If you live near Bussum and you have some time this weekend, you could visit the expo that Ton organized for all his students. There are two paintings from me as well.)
Oh yes, all of the above was in Dutch of course ;-)
My new schedule... not yet online, because most courses are already fully booked...The first course you can book is the Total Immersion 1, May 29th -June 2nd. If you are interested, you can send a mail:
I will plan more courses for June & July and notify you in the newsletter from May.
That was it for now, tot ziens!
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