trouble reading this newsletter? Visit https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira |
- May
2009 - |
Newsletter for Offshore Residents
of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 10, Issue 385
May 2009
Common sense finally prevails with the rejection of the
development proposal at Currawong. This is a fantastic result and an
triumph for the Friends of Currawong and their tenacity.
This editor has received numerous
emails congratulating Shane
and the group for their hard won battle. This win also helps to remind
us that it is worth jumping up and down and making as
much noise as possible
about such issues, despite what is sometimes seen as an
overpowering influence that business exerts on our
details regarding the outcome below.
Well we manged to fool quite a few readers with the Woody
Redevelopment expose in our April 1st issue. A big thanks to Paul
Burchall for coming up with the poster photo and the idea to "stir the
pot" a bit.
The ANZAC Memorial Service at Church Point attracted a good crowd
this year with Morning Bay resident Piers Akerman giving the
speech. June has kindly submitted some photos of the event,
can be seen here on the online gallery.
What do you use to cure swine flu? Onik-ment!
Cartoon of
the Month
Currawong Development Proposal Blocked
Offshore Book Launch
Community Arts - Open Meeting
Council Notices
Mona Vale Library Events
Author Talk@ Mona Vale Library
Scotland Island
Fire Shed Dinner
Ariel Salleh's Book Launch
You Asked...
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information

Luxury homes plan for Currawong
Matthew Moore
and Elicia Murray
April 29, 2009
Morning Herald
THE State Government has blocked a development proposal to build 25
luxury houses at a site owned by Unions NSW in the national park at
Pittwater and put the whole area on the State Heritage Register.
After a 12-year campaign to save the historic holiday cottages at
Currawong within Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park on Pittwater's western
shore, the Planning Minister, Kristina Keneally, revealed yesterday she
had refused the application to subdivide the site to allow residential
development. At the core of Ms Keneally's decision was concern about
the plan to dump huge quantities of fill onto the site to build houses
on low-lying land around a creek prone to flooding.
"While it would be technically possible for the valley floor to be
developed, it would not be justifiable, considering the susceptibility
of the site to shoreline recession and flooding during high tides or
storms," she said.
Her department and a separate independent assessment panel had advised
that the risks of infilling were unacceptable in a clear warning about
the dangers of flooding due to the effects of global warming. "That
situation would only worsen with any rise in sea level over time," she
Ms Keneally said the ministerial panel considered a recommendation from
the Heritage Council in 2007 to list the site and concluded it had
great heritage value.
The president of Friends of Currawong group, Shane Withington, said the
decision provided hope for other sensitive coastal areas under threat
of development. "This ludicrous development has been rejected in a
great victory for common sense."
He said the site should continue to be a cheap place for family
holidays but it must be included in the surrounding national park to
ensure a gated community did not develop.
Friends of Currawong said it had raised $500,000 and Pittwater Council
had pledged $4 million to buy the site, and the Government should put
Unions NSW bought Currawong in 1949 to provide cheap holidays for
working families but the former secretary of Unions NSW, John
Robertson, successfully argued it must be sold and the money used in
the 2007 election to campaign against Work Choices.
Developers Allen Linz and Eduard Litver agreed to pay $15 million in
what Mr Robertson said was the highest "unconditional" offer. They did
not return calls yesterday.
Last night Unions NSW refused to confirm whether it had received
anything more than a deposit of about $1 million for the site or
whether it would refund in full.
Expert Panel report on the Currawong Decision can be seen at this link;
Commends Currawong Decision
Pittwater Mayor David James has welcomed the decision by the NSW
Minister for Planning Kristina Keneally to refuse the development
proposal for a subdivision of 25 homes at Currawong.
“Pittwater Council is very pleased that the Minister has signaled the
NSW Government’s intention to protect this historic site from
inappropriate development,” the Mayor said.
Currawong was the subject of a development proposal for 25 luxury homes
by Eco Villages Pty Limited, following negotiations between the
developer and the owner Unions NSW.
The NSW Department of Planning took over the assessment of the
development proposal from Pittwater Council, after it decided the site
was one of state significance.
In 2008 an independent planning assessment panel was formed by the
Minister to hear submissions from the Council and the community on the
development proposal.
The panel retired at the end of last year to consider submissions and
put forward a recommendation to the Minister on the development
proposal. Minister Keneally advised the Council yesterday that the
development proposal would be refused.
In refusing the development application, Minister Keneally cited
‘visual amenity, indigenous and European heritage, mainland parking and
access and the method of wastewater disposal’ as key reasons.
She was also quoted as saying that the ‘vulnerability of the proposed
development on the lower lying section of the site’ to flooding was
another important factor in the decision.
The Minister has also announced the NSW Department of Planning will
place the whole Currawong site on the State Heritage Register.
Mayor James said the Council and the Pittwater community had sought a
heritage listing of Currawong for over a decade before the Eco Villages
development proposal was submitted.
He paid tribute to the Friends of Currawong and the Member for
Pittwater Rob Stokes. “They have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to
ensure Currawong was spared from this development,” he said.
Mayor James said that the Minister’s decision meant that the site would
no longer be considered as ‘state significant’ and that Pittwater
Council would assess any future development application for the site.
“However it’s our belief that the site should be acquired publicly and
as a result fully protected from any development in the future.”
Media contact: David James, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1104

Offshore Book Launch - Saturday 16 May
McDonald's book - The Kiss of Saddam
 Michelle McDonald is having
an off shore Pittwater launch of her book - The Kiss of Saddam.
Date: Saturday
16 May.
Open house from
2.30 pm until 6.00 pm.
Everyone welcome: Michelle McDonald's house, two-storey grey cottage
next to Beashells boat shed.
The subject of the biography, Selma Masson and Mohamad al Jabiri, her
husband, will be present and happy to talk about their amazing lives.
Mohamad al Jabiri was Iraqi ambassador to Spain and chairman of a human
rights committee in the UN when he disappeared. His wife, Selma
personally pleaded with Saddam Hussein for his release. 'The Kiss of
Saddam' is the story of an amazing women who gambled everything for
love and freedom.
All wine, tea, coffee and finger food will be provided.

Community Arts - Open Meeting
Sydney International Piano Competition
Inside Story"
Please join Pittwater Community Arts at their next Open Meeting for a
talk on;
The Sydney International Piano Competition - The Inside Story
Professor Warren Thomson OAM - Artistic Director of SIPCA
Wednesday 20th
May 2009 - 7pm
Recreation Centre
Old Barrenjoey
Professor Thomson will talk on the logistics and mammoth
undertaking of this competition which is held every 4 years.
Hear all about the world wide audition process, the make up of the
international jury, voting regulations,
and behind the scenes running of the 2 week event by volunteers.
After the talk you will be invited to ask questions.
A sparkling wine supper will be served at the end
Gold coin entry
Enquiries Janice Tuynman 9999-1937

Local Council
Public Meeting
on Pittwater's Planning Controls
Council will
hold a public meeting to discuss the current review of Pittwater 21
Development Control Plan on Thursday 7 May at Mona Vale Golf Club from
6pm to 8pm.
The review is being undertaken with the emphasis on making the planning
controls easier to understand and DAs easier to lodge.
Council’s Planning and Assessment Manager, Lindsay Dyce said the
meeting will be a chance for residents to give feedback on the changes,
to propose additional changes and ask questions.
“The revised controls should offer increased protection for the
character of Pittwater’s ‘special places’ such as foreshore areas,
which can be vulnerable to development,” he said.
“Concerns raised by residents had played a part in forming some of the
new controls. For example, residents have said they want noise from
equipment in new homes such as air-conditioning units and pool pumps
better controlled.
“Pittwater’s Development Control Plan has more than 1100 pages and it
has taken staff around six months to scrutinise every page and make
changes where needed,” Mr Dyce added.
The plan is on exhibition until Friday 8 May and submissions on the
changes will be accepted until 23 May 2009.
The draft plan is available for viewing at
www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/Documents_On_Exhibition or Pittwater
Council’s customer service centres at 1 Park Street Mona Vale and 59A
Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon.
For more information about the proposed changes visit
www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au or contact Karen Chapman on 9970 1161.
Media contact: Andrew Pigott, Pittwater
Council, Ph: 9970 1163
New Budget and
Management Plan go on Public Exhibition
Council’s draft
2009-2010 budget and four year management plan will be on public
exhibition for comment between Saturday 25 April and Friday 22 May.
The management plan sets out the goals to be achieved by the
organisation on behalf of the Pittwater community for the next four
years until 2013.
The draft 2009-2010 budget has also been prepared, showing a small
surplus of nearly $80,000.
The Council voted to adopt the draft plan and budget at its meeting on
Monday 20 April. Both are on exhibition for public comment, after which
the Council will meet to consider the budget and management plan for
final adoption.
Mayor David James said that despite the impacts of the current economic
downturn on local government in general, the Council had achieved a
good result in terms of budgeting.
“Staff at all levels of the organisation have worked hard to find ways
to cut costs without compromising services to the community,” he said.
“For the first time the organisation’s performance will measured
through key performance indicators.”
“This means that the community will be able to monitor more closely how
we as an organisation are delivering on the goals that residents have
said they want to see achieved.”
Projects identified as priorities for the community in the next four
years include:
- Local road repairs and improvements. The
was recently awarded $1.4 million in funding over the next five years
through the federal government’s Roads to Recovery grant program.
- A water harvesting and reuse scheme at the
Lakeside Holiday Park at Narrabeen.
- An upgrade of Governor Phillip Park and its
playground at Palm Beach.
- Further upgrades to the Bicentennial Coastal
Walkway and other bushland tracks.
- New regional skate parks at Avalon and Mona
- A network of new parks, cycleways and
pathways in Warriewood Valley funded through developer contributions
(Section 94 funds).
The 2009-2010 budget and 2009-2013 management plan are on exhibition at
www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au and at the Council’s customer service centres
and libraries at 1 Park Street Mona Vale and 59A Old Barrenjoey Road
Avalon. Comments must be in writing and received by Friday 22 May.
The Council will also hold a community briefing on the budget and
management plan at 6.30pm on Thursday 14 May at Mona Vale Memorial
Hall, 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Media contact: Simonne Shore, Pittwater
Council Ph: 9970 1103

Mona Vale Library Events

@ The Library
Mona Vale and Avalon
Libraries are hosting a simultaneous ‘stitch-up’ of knitted squares for
the Victorian Bushfire Appeal.
Friday 1 May
- 7am to 7pm
Mona Vale Library – 1 Park Street Mona Vale
Avalon Library – 59A Old Barrenjoey Road AvalonStitch-Up @ The Library
click to load the
Week - A free legal talk for Seniors
Friday 15 May 2009 
11am to 12 noon
Learn how to:
- Help your family financially
- Who will make the financial decisions
- Who will make the financial decisions if you
are unable
- Information on Power of Attorney and
- Free legal advice available after the talk.
click to load flyer

Talk@ Mona Vale Library

Crime Writer,
Sydney Bauer, "Move to Strike" Thursday 7 May 6.30pm.

to load flyer |
Part of biography of Sydney Bauer
Bauer began as a junior publicist at Network Ten, and within four years
was appointed National Network Director of Publicity whilst still in
her twenties. In the late nineties she moved to the Seven Network to
become Sydney Director of Programming.
“It was a gift,”
says Sydney. “I literally loved what I did, and did what I loved 24
hours a day.
big treat was traveling to LA, meeting some of the best TV writers in
the world, and watching them make these mini-movies on amazing studio
sets week after week, season after season."
It was the writing talents of these scriptwriters, and an admiration
for authors such as Lee Child, David Baldacci, Dennis Lehane, John
Grisham, Michael Connelly, Robert Crais and Richard North Patterson,
that inspired Sydney to put pen to paper and start her own franchise -
in the form of a series of novels featuring Boston based criminal
attorney, David Cavanaugh.
Catherine Buddin
Events & Promotions Librarian
Mona Vale Library
Park St
Mona Vale NSW 2103
tel 9970 1600 or 9970 1605 fax 9979 1465
Author Talk
Forthcoming Events April-June 2009
Thursday 7 May – Author Sydney Bauer
”Move to Strike”. Crime fiction
Thursday 14 May – Author Mary Moody
“Sweet Surrender. Love, Life and the Whole Damn Thing”. a memoir
Thursday 28 May – Author Donna Gibbs
“When I’m 64.The New Retirement”
Wednesday 17 June – Author Noel Braun
“Whistler Street”. A novel
- Bookings essential on 9970 1600 and payment
within 3 days required to confirm bookings.
- Cost $7.50, $5.50 – concession
(Friends of Mona Vale Library/ Pensioner/student cards must be shown.
Friends’ subscription needs to have been paid. Light
- All talks will be held at Mona Vale Library,
Park Street, Mona Vale at 6.30pm.
For more information contact Catherine Buddin on
telephone 9970
1605 or email catherine_buddin@pittwater.nsw.gov.au

Inaugural Scotland Island Fire Shed
Curry Night - Saturday May 2nd

Ariel Salleh's Book Launch
& Global Justice: women write political ecology
invitation to the Sydney and Melbourne launches of Ariel
Eco-Sufficiency & Global Justice: women write political ecology.
Monday 4 May
Gleebooks, 6 for 6.30pm
To be launched by Lee Rhiannon, Greens MP, NSW Legislative Council
Tuesday 2 June
Readings Carlton, 6 for 6.30pm
To be launched by Prof Verity Burgmann, School of Political Science,
University of Melbourne
click image
to load flyer
For those of you in Sydney, the launch is a co-launch with Bill Dunn's
Global Political Economy: A Marxist Critique.
For more details on the book, visit:
Spinifex Press
PO Box 212
Nth Melb
Vic 3051
Ph 03 9329 6088
Fax 03 9329 9238

Fellow Islander
in New Zealand Introduces his Island
Hi There,
I became interested in your island after my brother moved
there recently.
I also live on an island (Kawau Island in New Zealand) and it would
appear that your community faces similar issues to ours.
Kawau Island is quite a lot bigger than Scotland Island but we have
fewer full time residents than you have. We are located about 8 km off
shore from Warkworth and have no reticulated water, sewage etc. As well
we have an ongoing battle to convince the mainland officials that
things are different on an island and mainland templates do not
apply. We are also currently battling a proposed 300% rates
(Property tax) increase from the mainland Council we come under.
Like yourselves we have our own Volunteer Fire Brigade and provide
first response for medical emergencies.
If any of your members are interested in more information on our
island, they could view my website: www.kawau.co.nz or
If any of your members are visiting New Zealand, they would be most
welcome to visit.
Regards John Pryor
Violin Teacher
Class 11 student playing violin with the Northern Beaches Youth
Orchestra available to teach violin to beginners. Anyone interested
please phone Elena on 9999 4885.
Luisa is a eurythmy therapist - If anyone is
interested please ask for Luisa on the same phone
Need your Septic
Pumped out ?
Anyone needing to pump septic tank in the next four weeks? Please
contact Tony Hill: tevake2@gmail.com or 0412529104

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...

The Local Guide
What's On
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar Click
Here |
online Offshore Photo
Gallery - http://picasaweb.google.com/PONeditor/ |
Scotland Island
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419460331 or click
here for full details |
Island Children's Centre,
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information please call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |

ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Membership of SIRA,
Emergency Scotland Island Water Contacts and
Application for Water + Guidelines for water, in one document: click
here for information (while online) Download the
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' by clicking
here (while
SIRA You can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au
If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)

![Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]](https://ymlp.com/https.php?id=www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/New_nletter_header.png) |