Hi Cat Lover,

The Kitty Times will be out on the 7th as usual, but
in the meantime, I wanted to send you this special
notice. It will be too late on the 7th.

Today is Feb. 5th, and it's "Hi-5 Day" for one of our
favorite donation sites.... www.freekibblekat.com.

They did a Hi-5 Day in November for the dogs, and
promised they'd do one soon for the cats, too.

Well, here it is. Today is Hi-5 Day for the cats.

Just click the link to donate FIVE times as much kibble
to shelter cats as usual. On any day, you can click
the link and it sends 10 bits of kibble to a cat stuck
in a shelter somewhere.


Today, it's good for 50 bits of kibble!

Give them a click and your help will be multiplied by 5
for today only.

Watch your inbox for your February issue of the
Kitty Times. It's almost ready... See you on the 7th!

PS - If the link is not clickable above, just copy it,
then paste it into your browser's address bar and hit
Enter. It will go to their website, and you can click on
the trivia question there to make the donation happen.