What's Inside
1. Keep Indoor Cats Happy
2. Photo of the Month
3. Health and Welfare
4. Behavior
5. Pet food (below)
6. Natural Cat Care
7. Unusual Topics
5. Pet Food News
Does Freshpet Marketing Cross the Line?
Should marketing of a feed grade pet food as “food” be allowed?

Is your cat's food on a recall list?

How to avoid the worst cat foods
Shelter feed links:

Support Pet Food Consumer Advocacy
Message from Susan Thixton:
Become a member of our Pet Food Consumer Association. Your membership helps representatives attend meetings and voice consumer concerns with regulatory authorities. Membership is only $10 per year.
Click Here to learn more:  https://associationfortruthinpetfood.com/
Latest info:
Merck Veterinarian Information Severely Outdated
Noticed by a pet owner, Merck Veterinary Manuals give veterinarians (and pet owners) incorrect information regarding pet food.

Holistic feeding advice
Cats are carnivores and need animal protein to thrive.
Consider what cats eat in the wild when looking for cat food.
You want a meat-based product.


6. Natural Pet Care
For a comprehensive care regimen for your pets, this website contains information, educational courses (many are free), and product advice to help you treat your pet naturally.
7. Unusual Topics
Cat Fanatics' Vacation
This looks like a cat lover's dream trip, but be careful if you go. These islands do not have tourist facilities, although tourists are welcome during the day. (Hint: Bring cat food, plus some food for yourself. And don't miss the ferry!)

Already in use in some locations, this may become more popular and maybe even more practical and cost effective:


About the Newsletter
We would love to hear from you!
Published on the first of the month. Submissions, stories, comments and questions are welcome. If you'd like to see your cat under Photo of the Month, please send it to us here:

hi_paws @ yahoo.com

Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. If they would like to have their own subscription, send them to TheProblemCat.com to fill out the form on the upper left of the page. This is a private list and is not shared with others, certainly not any advertising companies.
Welcome to all new subscribers!
If you would like to see past
issues, or are having trouble
viewing this one, you may
find all issues since 2005 at this link: 

Many thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer now based in Pattaya, Thailand, for sending us more helpful and fascinating articles every month!

May 1, 2023  

1. How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy and Healthy 
Adopting cats means taking proper care of their needs and providing a safe and happy environment in your home. Here are some points to consider:
Taking walks is a great way to help your cat get some exercise. Walking on leash with a harness instead of a collar is probably the safest way to do it, since it's quite easy for a cat to squirm out of a collar, especially if she gets freaked out about something while walking. You will need to gradually train your cat to accept a harness and leash. Start slowly with just a collar, add a harness for a few minutes every day for a while, then add a leash. Let them drag that around for a little while until it becomes familiar. Be sure to remove it when done walking. Never leave the harness on long.
Playing with them also offers plenty of exercise, especially if you use toys they can chase and pounce on. The traditional "fishing pole" or "wand" toy is ideal for this activity and offers the fun of interaction with you. This helps in the bonding process, especially if the cat is new to the house.

Mental stimulation
Looking out a window can be a lot like watching television, as they may find much of interest to look at, such as birds, squirrels, or other movement visible from their perch by the window.

Weight managament
Consult with your vet or do some research online about feline nutrition to get a feel for your cat's nutritional needs.You don't want to let your little buddy become overweight as that can be detrimental to his health. Learn about proper portions, types of food and meal scheduling. Exercise plays an important part in controlling your kitty's weight, too.
Treats are usually very popular with cats. While treats can be a valuable training tool and reward system, keep in mind that they should not exceed 10 to 15 percent of a cat's diet.
Cat Trees and Condos
Cat "furniture" is essential in helping your cat fit in at your house. Scratching posts and trees may help prevent them from destroying your favorite chair or sofa, for example. And cat condos, cat trees and perches offer opportunties to climb, hide and satisfy their love of being in high places.
Please read the following article for more information:
 2.  Photo of the Month
Cat Rules of the House
3. Health and Welfare
Do cats grieve when a family member dies? Yes, they do.
Here's how to support them during this emotional time:
The more fur your cat has, the more she will need attention from you to keep her coat healthy and groomed.
4. Behavior Topics 
This cat was raised with dogs and was treated like one of the pack. See how she turned out:
14 Weird Cat Behaviors Explained
Do You Speak Cat?
Watch this to get a handle on how to communicate with your cat and to understand what she's trying to tell you.
Update April 2023: Charges have not been dropped but prosecutors have stopped pursuing the issue. They have until June 25 to reinstate any legal actions.
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