Resisting War: Military Recruiting Station Shutdown

Did you hear that we shut down the Marine Recruiting Center last month in Berkeley, CA? That successful action in coordination with CodePink was aimed squarely at ending the entrapment of military recruiting. And we learned once again that yes, we have significant power when we stand together.

Our history shows that hindering the availability of recruits heavily impacts the armed forces' plans and right now the demand is for more soldiers. And we know that our people-power strategy is both politically effective and strengthening for those involved. Join us now in pushing forwards when it most matters.

We need to raise $25,000 by the end of July and we have $550 in challenge grants available this week to double your money! Major shout outs go to this week's leaders Ken A. of Veterans for Peace (Marshall, NC) $300, and Damon Lane (Burlingame, VT) $250. Can you be a matching challenge donor, either publicly identified or anonymously, of $100 or more? If so, please reach out to

Are we worth fighting for?
Don't take our word for it
dahr jamail

"Time shows us that the effectiveness of Courage to Resist is growing, but this cannot continue unless we actively step up to the plate and get behind them."

Dahr Jamail, Award-Winning Journalist

aimee allison

"I’ve personally worked with the caring, talented and dedicated folks at Courage to Resist and am so grateful that they use their considerable media and organizing savvy to bring GI voices front and center in the effort to change our country’s priorities and actions."

Aimee Allison, President, Democracy in Color

484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland, California 94610 ~ 510-488-3559 ~