Dear Friends,
Today, the weather is very appropriate for Sinterklaas!
(Hoor de
wind waait door de bomen). He told me he has some presents for the readers of this newsletter:
- If you have/want to buy the movie “Het paard van Sinterklaas”,
you can download the written
script here
for free.
- A Word
Search about Sinterklaas
- If you give a like to this
FaceBook page (for Dutch lessons in Bussum)
and/or this FaceBook page (for people who are more
interested in learning Dutch from
a distance or tandem learning),
you can win a booklet with
all kinds of word searches. Sinterklaas will
pick one winner per page from all the likes received between now and
December 15th. Of course, you are welcome to like the Learn Dutch Fast site as well,
however, I can’t see the names of the likers,
I guess Sinterklaas can’t as well, so it
will be hard for him to pick a winner ;-)
A tip from Morpheus, my
horse: have a carrot in your
shoe tonight for Sinterklaas’s horse…

After Sinterklaas has
gone back to Spain,
I will start working on the new program
for 2014. Many new projects are coming up!
Of course, the good old immersion courses will still be taught, but I get more and more
questions about on-line courses
from students who have moved back home and would like to continue their
Dutch. So I will have a look to see how I can do this while keeping the quality I stand for.
For a new program, I need new promotional material ;-) That brings me to a great
opportunity for 4 people who have
already followed a Total Immersion 1 program: a great day
for two ladies & two gentlemen who would like to repeat the fun
activities of a Total Immersion 1 (January 14th, 10:30-16:30).
Send me a mail if you would
be interested. Only €50,- per person. Please be
aware that this day will be filmed,
and the material will be used for advertising
the Total immersion 1 course.
Here is an example
of such a clip on FaceBook, taken during the
Total Immersion 1 in November. (Pronunciation
exercise in a grocery store).
If you have a (fancy or simple) camera yourself and you would like to learn how to make nicer
pictures while improving your Dutch, my brother Gijs will teach you during a
day in the zoo (January 11th).
You can see his portfolio here. I will be there to help with your Dutch. This
course is not advertised on my site yet, we still have to discuss all the
details, but you can mail me if
you are interested, and I’ll
keep you informed.
You can read more in my next newsletter, titled “Hammer
the Grammar”;-)
vriendelijke groet,