Monday, January 23, 2012

Ephesians 3:12 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.


Paul isn't just talking about approaching God on the last day here. Sure, on the Judgment Day we'll be able to approach God the Father with freedom and confidence because we'll have Jesus at our side. Jesus will be able to testify that He served the whole sentence for our sin on the cross.

But we can also approach God with freedom and confidence *now* -- in prayer. God wants us to treat Him like the best Father the world has ever known. He'll never abandon us. He'll listen to our every trouble, question, request, or thought. We're part of His family through faith in Christ. Part of being a family is being there for each other, helping each other out in the best way we know how. Because of Jesus we have this type of relationship with our Creator. We are free from sin's guilt. We are confident in God's love. We can talk to our Heavenly Father any time and all the time.

So let's *do* it. Let's see our lives and decisions from this perspective. Let's actually try consciously to *live* in this epiphany that we *are* God's children. From second to second let's remember that our great and forgiving God hears the thoughts, prayers, dreams and worries of all those connected to His Son. We are His family.

Let's see life from this perspective, and pray continually with freedom and confidence.