tel:  512-280-1192                                            Friday, May 17 2013

Nursery notes: SALE on shade trees for the summer: 20% OFF
Monterrey oaks, Chinquapin oaks, live oaks, red oaks and bur oaks.
20% OFF fruit trees (excluding citrus)  25% OFF antique roses
(excluding knock-outs).
Free Culinary Herb Lecture, Sun, 2 p.m. with DeAnne Pearson.
Spice up your every day meals to taste like those from the most
famous kitchens and restaurants in the country.  DeAnne will walk
you through some of the flavor profiles she has learned from visiting
the kitchens of world renowned chefs and James Beard Award win-
ners from California to New York City.  With common ingredients
from the farmer’s market and fresh herbs from It’s About Thyme,
you'll be able to make even the simplest dish something truly special.
A big THANK YOU to DeAnne for sharing her knowledge with us all!
(DeAnne is also a 'life-coach.'  Learn more about Deliberate Careers
Seven ways to create a gorgeous outdoor room:  Revel in the sights
and scents of spring on a patio or in a garden corner decked out in
comfy interior style. From the Austin American Statesman:
Central Texas Gardener KLRU TV. Pep up your house and office
with indoor plant decor.  Authors Jenny Peterson and Kylee Baumle
take the humdrum out of houseplants with THE design stylebook
that connects to your muse, budget and imagination.. Sat. noon, 4 p.m.
or Sun. at 9 a.m. www.klru

Avocados flower in the late winter to early spring and fruit will develop 6 months later.  
Avocado Notes from  the Guacamole Kid 
by Amanda Moon

Growing an avocado tree from seed has always been a favorite project
for elementary age kids.  I remember planting one when I was young
and watching it in wonder as it sprouted roots and tops out of its tooth-
pick-stabilized seed. 
Although this is a great way to teach kids about how a seed becomes
a tree, sadly the actual avocado tree created this way will not usually
be strong enough to last through a winter, and will rarely produce any
Like citrus, avocados that produce at a young age are grafted, not
seed grown. There are also specific varieties better suited to our
climate than the Haas and other grocery store fruits used in the ele-
mentary school experiments.
Avocados are a staple in many Texans’ diet – certainly in mine –
and with just a little TLC, growing your own fruit is definitely an
option here. The avocado tree (Persea americana) is native to Mexico
and Central America, and is grown commercially on a limited basis
in the Rio Grande Valley. 
The best types of avocado to experiment with here in central Texas
are the Mexican varieties. They have thinner skinned fruit, but a
greater tolerance to frost than the others (including the Guatemalan
Haas).  An established, older Mexican avocado has a frost tolerance
to 15 degrees when planted in a protected location.
The best Mexican varieties to grow in the Austin area are Lila, Joey,
Poncho, Fantastic, Opal, Wilma and Pryor.
For strong fruit production it is best to have two different varieties,
although here in Texas the Mexican varieties appear to be somewhat
self-fertile as well.  My Lila has fruit on it without a pollinator friend;
hopefully I will actually get a small crop of avocados this year. 
Cold is definitely our limiting factor for growing avocados commer-
cially in the central part of the state, but just like citrus a backyard
gardener can have success with the trees if they are well protected
from extreme cold and even better protected when they are still young. 
I have kept my Lila in a pot so that while still young I can bring the
tree in and out of the garage on the coldest nights.  Of course my
soil isn’t very deep either, so she may be in a container as long as
I live in this house. 
Avocados will reach heights of 50’ plus if given the opportunity, so
topping the tree (cutting out the center growth leader) may be nec-
essary to keep the tree at manageable levels for winter protection. I
don’t know about you, but I am not interested in climbing an extension
ladder in below freezing wind chill to protect a tree!
Trees planted in a protected area of your backyard, or facing south-
southeast in the front will have the best chance of surviving winter. 
Make sure the soil is well-drained, but otherwise the avocado is not
particular about acidity/alkalinity. 
The tree fruits best in full sun, but young trees may burn in the sum-
mer during the first few years if not shaded in the afternoon.  This
is another reason for keeping mine in a pot for a while- so I have
more control over the conditions until it is bigger and stronger. 
Fertilize regularly with an organic fertilizer throughout the growing
season and water regularly, but don’t let the tree sit in water.  Drain-
age is essential.     
Avocados typically flower in the late winter to early spring and fruit
will develop roughly 6 months later on the Mexican types.  Because
of the warm weather this last winter mine was actually in flower by
early December. 
Determining when to pick the fruit is a little bit of a guessing game
as the fruit will not ripen on the tree. The best way to tell is to pick
one or two of the largest fruits and let them sit on the counter for a
week or two.  If they ripen, then the rest of the larger ones should be
ready too.
When I was a kid the servers at a Mexican restaurant my parents
would frequent referred to me as ‘the guacamole kid’ because that
was all I was interested in eating.  Although my taste is more varied
now, if I was given a choice of one food to live off for the rest of my
life…  it would probably still be the avocado.
                                              Happy gardening everyone!
The nursery currently has Poncho trees (1 gal. 4' ) for $ 39.99; and 
 Opal and Wilma trees (7 gal.   6' ) for  $ 99.99.
  Visit the website: 
  Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748 