Saturday, August 20, 2016
Psalm 103:8 The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.
What a simple and comforting reminder of who God is. The world likes to tell us that the God of the Old Testament is somehow different than Jesus Christ. Many atheists portray God as a vengeful tyrant who just likes to see mankind suffer under His almighty power. But these opponents ignore verses like this one, straight out of the Old Testament, that reinforce the truth of God's love, forgiveness, and mercy.
Given all that David has written in this psalm, this one verse doesn't really stand out. It's simple and to the point. But therein lies the beauty. God's love is not a complicated thing. His mercy is not an other-worldly, abstract concept that is beyond our comprehension. He comes down to our knowledge level and introduces Himself to us. Do we still see His holiness? Yes. Do we still see His demand for justice? Absolutely. Do we see His judgment? Definitely. But nothing is as clear in the Scriptures as God's love for lost people. The only way you can miss it is to block it out before you even begin reading.
Let us bless the LORD for the complete picture of who He is and what He has done for us. We get a taste of that in Psalm 103. Thanks and praise to Him for this Scripture and for the rest of His inspired Word, a gift that gives each time we use it.