Carols at Carols
Sunday, 21 December |  | 5-6pm - Start, Harold Reserve, Carols wharf 6.30pm - Mystery Guest arrives 8.00pm - Carol singing
accompanied by local musicians An evening for the whole family. Bring along a picnic blanket, drinks,
food, torches & your best singing voices. To help our
Mystery Guest, please bring a small gift with your child's name on it. Please keep gifts under $5.

Emergency Water
Lines Dear Water Users,
In view of the oncoming festive season and summer months,
the water monitors for the emergency water lines on Scotland Island would
like to remind you all to check the water level in your tanks, and if
bookings are needed to please make arrangements well in advance.
As you know:
Line 1 is available only from
Thursday (8am) through Sunday (10am). Line 2 is available only from Sunday
(10am) through Tuesday (8pm). Line 3 is available only from
Tuesday (8p m) through Thursday (8am). To ensure the
good running of the lines, fair and equal bookings for everyone, your
co-operation is appreciated in this matter. So, if
you need to make an advanced booking, contact either:
Nathalie Muir (line 1) on 9999 4449
between 8am and 8pm.or: Cass Gye (lines 2 and 3) on 9979 5853 between
8am and 8pm. Both Nathalie and Cass wish all of you a
good holiday, pleasant family reunions, and good health for the New Year
Merry Christmas!

Sale BOSLEY'S BOOK SALE - 122 Thompson Street –
Call Graham or Denise 9999 3721 Sunday 7th December 11am-3pm - Hundreds of books:
contemporary fiction, classics, literature and non fiction from $2-10.
CD's, chairs, sofa & coffee table, tinny & a Holden
Commodore. Four very good condition
modern windows + frames for sale on
island: ring Robert on 0413 383 248