Art Below request the pleasure of your company at the Private View of 'Crucifixions': Francis Bacon on Monday 6th March (6.30pm - 9pm)  at St.Stephen Welbeck, 39 Walbrook, London, EC4N 8BN

This month Art Below will be featuring posters of Crucifixion drawings by Francis Bacon from 'The Francis Bacon Collection of the drawings donated to Cristiano Lovatelli Ravarino' at stations including St.Paul's, Green Park and Bond Street. 

The original Bacon works will be unveiled on Monday evening at St Stephen Walbrook, an Anglican Parish Church rich in heritage, based in the City of London. The exhibition has been planned to coinside with lent and will run until 31st March.

On show will be a number of drawings, pastels and collages that Francis Bacon donated to his Italian lover Cristiano Lovatelli Ravarino between 1977 and 1992.  Many of the works are concerned with the image of crucifixion often referenced by Francis Bacon in his art to embody life’s horror as he could not find a subject as valid to embrace all the nuances of human feelings and behaviours.

Exhibition events

  • Monday 6 March, 5.00pm: Francis Bacon & The Crucifixion – lectures by Edward Lucie-Smith & Revd Jonathan Evens
  • Monday 6 March, 6.30pm: Preview & opening night reception
  • Monday 13 March, 6.30pm: The Crucifixion in modern art & Poetry reading – Revd Jonathan Evens (lecture) & Rupert Loydell (poetry reading)
  • Wednesday 29 March, 7.00pm: concert by Claudio Crismani
Press Information

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Anish Kapoor Unveils Trump Protest Poster in Union Station, Los Angeles February 2017.
For the last two weeks a piece of protest artwork by the artist Anish Kapoor in response to the actions of new US President Donald Trump has been on display in Grand Union Station, Los Angeles. 

The work inspired by the great Joseph Beuys'  'I Like America and America Likes Me' (1974). It features a photograph of Kapoor with the title 'I Like America and America Doesn’t Like Me'.

Facilitated by Art Below - The 2 meter wide poster was placed in the red line concourse in LA’s Grand Union Station - California's largest and busiest station, serving almost 110,000 passengers a day and known as ‘America’s last great railway station’. 



Art Below's first billboard Exhibition in Grand Union Station, Los Angeles this February featuring work by 28 UK and US based emerging and established artists. 

For the first time Art Below arrive in Los Angeles to 'Turn Ad Space into Art Space'.    From 13th - 28th February the travelling public experienced art by 28 established and emerging UK and US based artists, presented across dynamic billboards in Grand Union Station (red line).  

Grand Union is California's largest and busiest station, serving almost 110,000 passengers a day and known as ‘America’s last great railway station’.

Poster: Eine and Risk

Poster: Hayden Kays and Nina Fowler

Poster: Nettie Wakefield and James Mylne

Poster: Karen Bystedt


To coincide with this public installation, the limited edition art was also exhibited and available to purchase at Sur le Mur Gallery in West Hollywood's Pacific Design Center, Blue Building, Second Floor opening with a private view on 16th February (5 - 9pm) 

Photo: Nettie Wakefield and friends
Photo: Megan Phillips - Director of Sur Le Mur Gallery (middle) and friends










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