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Wildlife Hospital Update

At the WRI Wildlife Hospital we currently have 262 animals in our care!

We have received otters, pine martens, buzzards, ducklings, hedgehogs, red squirrel kits, badger cubs, fox cubs, a kingfisher, cuckoo and ravens to name but a few of the species that have come through the hospital so far.

We have also received a great response to our call out for volunteers and have built up some positive relationships with landowners for future release sites. We are in the process of building a large set of aviaries outside and getting ready to receive visitors to our Education tent here at Garlow Cross, so watch this space!

Donate via our gofundme Here
Rescued wildlife

Exciting News!

In some exciting news, we have completed the build of the Waterfowl Enclosure, which measures 18 x 18m. This will be fitted out with ponds, bedding and shaded areas making it a perfect space for our water birds and the beginning of our ultimate hospital project!

If you or your company want to discuss sponsoring an animal enclosure like this we'd love to hear from you - drop us an email at office@wri.ie

Waterfowl Area

National Volunteering Week

It was National Volunteering Week from 17th to 21st May, and we used our Instagram page to highlight our range of volunteers and the incredible work they have done and continue to do for wildlife in Ireland.

A whole new raft of volunteers has come on board to help with creating the Wildlife Hospital in Navan. These people help in the daily running and building of the hospital, and we simply could not do without them.

Why volunteer? Studies have shown that volunteering is good for your health. Because you are focused on helping others and thinking less about your problems, your stress levels decrease, boosting your immune system. Another reason is contributing to the kind of world you want to live in and using your skills and knowledge to be part of something bigger.

You can contribute to a cause you believe in and make meaningful connections. We celebrated the volunteering week with barista coffee and hedgehog cakes, all donated by generous members of the public!

Volunteer Today

Wildlife Hospital Press

We were delighted to feature on RTE’s Countrywide on Radio 1 last Saturday which you can listen back to on their playback service below.

Listen Back

Big Win for the Wildlife Hospital!

We received a great boost when we were awarded €10,000 as the winner of the Heritage section of the Good Causes Awards run by the National Lottery. This money will go straight into building state of the art enclosures for our wildlife.

Learn More

Food Appeal

Now that our waterfowl area is complete, we have a massive amount of water birds recouping there, and they are going through so much food!

We are currently using one 20kg bag of waterfowl pellets and a bag of chick crumb every week.

Most good Agri stores sell these, and White's Agri can even deliver to our door - (Wildlife Hospital C15 V9TW) if you wanted to donate a bag

Nature News

It’s been such a great start to the year with the news of breeding Marsh Harriers in Galway and Westmeath.

The last records of these birds breeding here being recorded over a century ago. The return of the common Crane to Ireland, as a pair have been discovered nesting on a re-wetted bog in the midlands.

If they breed successfully, it will be the first time this has occurred in Ireland in over three hundred years!

Common Crane: Bord na mona
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Wildlife Hospital, Tara Na Ri, Garlow Cross, Navan, Co Meath
E: office@wri.ie |Emergency Helpline 0818 877766 |W: www.wri.ie | Support us - Gofundme: https://gofund.me/b6ce57e6
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland
Office: Duleek, Co Meath | Company No. 555237 | Charity No. 20991 | Registered Charity No. 20142551