Thursday, January 13, 2005

Matthew 2:13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."


There are some people who believe that God created the world out of nothing, but then left it alone for so-called "evolution" to take its course from there. In this way they try to have God's word and the word of the pagan scientist stand side by side. But how foolish it is to think that our God is like that. A true Heavenly Father doesn't give His dear children a rough push down a particular path and then say, "Well, you're on your own from here." Our Father guides, supports, and comforts His children to the very end. Without His divine hand we could not take a breath or walk a single step (Ac 17:28).

So when the Father sent His Child into the world to redeem us from sin and every evil, do you think He was about to take His hands off the project as soon as Mary had given birth and the chorus of angels had faded away again into heaven? Indeed not! Soon after Christ was born Herod launched an all-out search to find and kill the Baby, but God would have none of that. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned the little family to escape to Egypt where Jesus would be safe. God wouldn't allow an insolent atheist like Herod to foul up the divine plan.

Jesus would not die at the hand of Herod, rather the Father would see to it that He would die exactly when and where He needed to die-- on Good Friday between two thieves. The Father would see to it that the Son would walk the necessary road to the cross so that our sins could be forgiven, even if it meant sending special dreams to certain people to make it happen. The Father didn't forget what He sent His Son to do. He saw it through to the end. He doesn't forget you.