Dear Macro members,

I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer!

Workshop 2017!
Mark your calendars! The dates for the next Musician's Workshop are set for 2017! We will meet on June 16-17 at the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin. The workshop will run from 9-5 on Friday, and 9-12 noon on Saturday. It's not too early to start thinking about topics and potential presentations for the event! Contact Jamie Henke at any time via email

Call for Manuscripts!
The Macro Analysis Creative Research Organization invites musicians of all disciplines to submit manuscripts for publication consideration in Musical Insights. Topics on any aspect of music are welcomed. Authors are encouraged to include macro analysis and address various aspects of music theory pedagogy, including aural training, sight singing, teaching techniques, and favorite teaching projects.

Submission Requirements

The MACRO Editorial Board will make a blind review of all manuscripts, therefore submissions should include:
• a word-processed manuscript void of identification information
• a cover letter that identifies the author, the manuscript title, and includes contact information (email address, phone number, and mailing address)

Submissions are accepted at any time of the year.

Manuscript Requirements

Authors are asked to submit manuscripts electronically as PDF files in the following format:
• 8.50 by 11.00 inches page setup
• 12-point type
• double-spaced throughout (including block quotations and footnotes)
• all notes appearing as footnotes
• limited to 20 pages
• figures labeled by order number and submitted as PDF files

Short manuscripts of 2–4 pages are welcomed. Please be advised that authors will be asked to provide high-resolution PDFs of musical examples, charts, diagrams, tables, etc. For additional information about requirements, please contact Marilyn Saker.

Submission Address

Send your cover letter and manuscript electronically to:
Marilyn Saker, Ph.D.
Editor of Musical Insights

Best wishes!
