New Maps
The following 12 maps have been added to the All Topo V7 collection and are available now.
Bend, OR 2011 - BLM 100K
Burgess Junction, WY 2011 - BLM 100K
Choteau, MT 2011 - BLM 100K
Conrad, MT 2011 - BLM 100K
Delta, CO 2011 - BLM 100K
Dutch John, UT 2011 - BLM 100K
Lake Walcott, ID 2011 - BLM 100K
Nogales, AZ 2011 - BLM 100K
Salmon, ID 2011 - BLM 100K
Sheridan, WY 2011 - BLM 100K
Terry, MT 2011 - BLM 100K
Wilson Creek Range, NV 2011 - BLM 100K
You can update your All Topo map list to include these maps by:
o From the Main All Topo Map viewer window
o Select "Updates: Update New Map List from Web..."
follow the onscreen instructions.
Step-by-step instructions may be found here: [ Downloading New Maps from the All Topo Server ]
Land Ownship Updates
New land ownership overlay data for these states:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana,
North Dakota, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah,
Washington, Wyoming
are available for download. Click [ here ] for links to each state's installation tool.
New All Topo software versions are also avialable. Button #1 "Update V7 Map Set Viewing Software' at this location:
[ Version 7 Updates ]
will update viewer components.
This All Topo Maps Mail List
Hopefully you will find these notifications a valuable resource, however if this message
has found you in error, you can use the link at the bottom of this message to get off the list
(really, it does work.)
There is a complete list of all past notifications [ here ].
If you know of anyone with All Topo Maps who might benefit from these update notifications
you can add them to this list: [ Add or Delete a user ].
Good survey and mapping to you all!
Mark Silver,
+1 801-412-0011 x16