To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No: |
At our next meeting we welcome John Crabb from Somerset who will be presenting his talk entitled The Art and Adventure of Wildlife Photography. I have been unable to find out much about the talk on John's website, but here are a few words taken from the web following his recent vist to Sedgmoor Camera Club (I'm sure they won't mind me nicking their words!)
John Crabb is a keen wildlife photographer and gadget freak ........... He gave a completely different approach to wildlife photography.......... they (Sedgmoor CC) were fascinated with his home-made gadgets; metal trays that triggered a switch, false twigs, motion detectors and a recycled speed camera ............... John explained how his photographic experiments progressed, with even more devious contraptions to capture his shots. John’s planning and patience enabled him to get the results he wanted which were simply stunning.................. He also showed us how he uses his photography to transform his images into paintings, when many of us would have used Photoshop instead of paint

One of John's images - A Whitethroat
The first meeting of the Beyond The Wall Group (BTW) will be at the Club Room on Monday 25 September at 7 30 pm until 9 30 pm. It will be presented by Mark Gilbert and the subject is Basic Lighting, and will cover:
- Basics of Light - hard and soft
light, inverse square law
- Understanding flash
- Using ambient light instead of
- Setting up and using studio
lighting including flash metering and camera settings
- Using flash guns and
speedlights off camera and setting up a home studio
The objective is for attendees to understand how to use and set up flash lighting in a studio setting. If you want more details about the evening, please contact Mark by clicking here or for more details of the BTW group, contact David Grierson by email. |
20 September - Print Competition Closing Date
Print Competition Labels Labels
for this year's series of print competitions will be available on
Wednesday from the table by the stage. You need just one sheet for all
the year's competitions!
Closing Date
Next Wednesday is also the closing date for Round 1, judged by our own Graham Reeves EFIAP, is 20 September.
Please indicate your level of entry by clearly writing Cl, Int or Adv
on the label. Do not use the letter code required for online DPI
entries. The prescribed category for Advanced print 3 is MONOCHROME.
Advanced entrants, please remember to number your prints accordingly.
You can find full details of the competitions in your handbook, Pages
21-28. If you have any queries not resolvable by the handbook, please
contact David Alderson at or text/telephone 07873 231413. A copy of the new rules is reproduced below:
Bimonthly Print and Projected Image Competitions
Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4
These competitions consist of 4 rounds, at roughly two monthly intervals. Each member may submit a maximum of 3 PI images or prints in each round of the applicable competition. First, second and third places, along with highly commended entries are awarded certificates in each level and points are allocated to these awards. Across the four rounds these points are accumulated. Trophies are presented in each of the 3 levels (Club, Intermediate, and Advanced) to the holders of the highest number of points at the end of the four rounds. The trophies will be presented at the club AGM.
For DPI and Print rounds at Advanced Level
For the advanced level only, the competitions will be subdivided into an ‘open’ category and a ‘prescribed’ category. In each round, two submitted images can be in the 'open' category, the subject and style being the free choice of the entrant. The third image submitted must be in the genre/subject/style category specified for each competition, as shown below.
PI COMP 2017-18
PRINT COMP 2017-18
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Images submitted to the 'prescribed' category must show the number 3 as the image identifying number. See ‘rules for entry’ on Pages 26 to 28 of your handbook.
A member who chooses to submit a ‘prescribed’ category image may also enter one or two images in the same genre/subject/style for the 'open' category submissions. A member may submit an 'Image 3' to the ‘prescribed’ category only, and nothing to the ‘open’ category, if desired.
In each round, the ‘genre’ category Image 3s will be judged together, with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and HCs being awarded, in addition to the awards for the 'open' images. The appropriate points for accumulation across the rounds will also accrue.
If you haven't already collected your 2017-2018 Handbbok, please pick it up from the Computer Desk.
Each year we are supported by several local companies in the form of "paid for advertising". Please support these companies in return - by using them. Don't forget that you can get a 10% discount on Calumet own brand products (opposite the clubrooms) and a massive 40% discount at Dury and Tippett Opticians at Staple Hill and London Camera Exchange carry a huge selection of new and pre-owned camera kit. |
BPS has agreed to be one of the two clubs to represent the WCPF at this year’s PAGB Inter-club Print Championship, full details can be found here. The event takes place on 29 October at Blackburn and two clubs from each Federation plus last year’s top eight will take part. For the first round we have to submit 12 pictures. These must include a minimum of five monochrome, five colour, but not more than three Natural History prints. They must be from a minimum of five photographers with no member having more than four prints in the entry. The top eight clubs in the first round will go through to the final, which will require 15 pictures. We are therefore asking members for prints so that we can form an image bank, from which our final entry can be selected. If you would like to submit work, please hand to Peter McCloskey or Danny Heaton. |
PAGB Masters of Print Competition
The PAGB Masters of Print Competition is held each October, followed by a public Exhibition. Individual Photographers who are members of affiliated Clubs may enter directly, without any pre-qualification. Photographers may enter prints in any combination of the Monochrome, Colour and Nature Categories and awards are made to individual prints. Prints are then selected for the Exhibition. There are a large number of big prizes to be won, so if you do prints, now is your chance for glory! For full entry details and a list of the magnificent prizes on offer, please follow this link. |
The Photographer's Ephemeris
The Photographer’s Ephemeris (TPE) helps
you plan outdoor photography shoots in natural light, particularly
landscape and urban scenes. It’s a map-centric sun and moon calculator:
see how the light will fall on the land, day or night, for any location
on earth.
TPE for Desktop is the original – and free – version of the program, and is the premier outdoor photography
planning tool used by thousands of photographers, amateur and
professional, around the world.
Download Issue 191 of the PAGB e-News here. This issue contains the latest information about the "Masters of Print Competition, the PAGB Interclub Competition, the FIAP World Cup and much more.
Click here to download issue 48 of Photography News |
17 Sept
The most recent addition to the Great Run Series, the
Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon comes with its own
distinguished history. First staged in 1989 and known as the Bristol
Half Marathon, the city centre run has become a long-held tradition in
the national running calendar. Over 10,000 runners every year make this a
must do event with an atmosphere second to none.
The course starts and finishes in Bristol's historic Harbourside. The
scenic, sea-level route takes runners past the Harbourside, out and
back along the Portway, through the stunning Avon Gorge, and twice under
Brunel’s famous Clifton Suspension Bridge, along Cumberland Road then
around the old city before returning to Anchor Road. Map of course and further details - click here
23 Sept
RPS Digital Imaging Group is holding a special event - DI
Expo 2017 at the Holiday Inn Birmingham Airport (near the NEC) from 9am
to 5pm on Saturday 23 September. This event is open to all, but you will
need to book a ticket. For full information and tickets, please visit their website.
24 Sept
Berkeley VW Show at Berkeley Castle. Classic VW motors in the shadow of Berkeley Castle. Full details here. |
30 Sept
The popular ' 24 Hours in Bristol' photo-marathon competition, which sees
10,000 photographs taken in a single day, returns at the end of
September with an exciting new format – all entries must be taken on
Smartphones or tablets only. The annual competition to record a day in the life of the city will take
place over a 24 hour period from 12.00pm on Saturday 30 September to
12.00pm on Sunday 1 October. Anyone with a smartphone or tablet can take
part by pre-registering at to be eligible for £5,000 of prizes. Entrants upload their images onto the event website for judging and the
winning and highly commended photos will be displayed in a public
exhibition in November.
For more information, visit their website.
30 Sept
Docks Heritage Weekend. Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October, 11am-5pm – A celebration of Bristol’s maritime past with events for all ages at M Shed, Underfall Yard and, for the first year ever, SS Great Britain. This year, the Docks Heritage Weekend celebrations will focus on celebrating the 40th anniversary of Portbury and the 140th anniversary of Avonmouth Dock. There are a limited number of places on coach tours to Avonmouth and Portbury (leaving from M Shed), which must be booked in advance. Website.
21 Oct |
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition will
premiere at the M Shed at the same time as the national opening at the
Natural History Museum in London, it will run from 21 October 2017-
April 2018. |
11 Nov
Devizes Camera Club is holding An Evening With
Charlie Waite. Charlie is one of the world's leading landscape
photographers. The event is at Wiltshire Music Centre at Bradford on Avon.
Full details can be found by following this link.
I'm told that tickets are selling fast, so you are advised to book now if
you are interested.
12 Nov
"An Audience with Terry Donnelly" at Courtenay Centre, Newton Abbot. Full details here. |
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't include them all. So please only advise of awards or other milestones.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, let me have the details and I will circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.
Would all members please note: before you plan your shoot and book your model, you should check whether the studio/clubroom will be free. This can be done easily and at any time by viewing the Clubroom Bookings calendar in the Members' Area of the BPS Website. Bookings can (and must) be made by contacting Mike Bigger at
Log in details to the Members' Area are at the end of this newsletter.
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to download the list.
Please don't forget that if you change your
address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it
would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that
she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue
to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those
shown at the top of this newsletter, if they are wrong, please let Carol
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as special events, exhibitions, photographic hints and tricks, etc. please let me know at
Missed a copy of the Newsletter? |
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom Password - pixels
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Carol, either by email: or by telephone: 0117 924 1338 |
Bristol Photographic Society, Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE