Dear ,
I'm very exited to show you my new logo! The team of Learn Dutch Fast: Mister (dog) and me... What do you think?
This has been a very busy week for me (I have been teaching a Total Immersion 1 course), and I couldn't find the time for a "real" newsletter. However, there were some events that I wanted to share with you that couldn't wait any longer, because their dates are getting closer.
First of all: let me ask you a question. Do you have a Dutch partner/friend/boss etc. who is very proud of you and would like you to win a free Dutch immersion course? Ask him/her to write something about you on https://www.facebook.com/LearnDutchFast and on June 1st I'll choose a winner ;-) All the other nominees will receive a 15% discount on an immersion course of their choice...
Another date that is coming closer fast is Tuesday, May 27th: our Dutch Adventure trip to Zaanse Schans! (Whole day) Anh, our tour guide, will show us around, while we speak Dutch all the time (I'll be there too, as a teacher AND tourist ;-). Learn how cheese and clogs are made, visit a windmill, have a yummie pancake for lunch and enjoy the beautiful area. €99,95 p.p. all in. If you would like to join us, send me a mail before Monday, 2 p.m. (info@learndutchfast.nl).
Here are the rest of the events that I wanted to share with you. (Next week I'll write a "real newsletter" with the next episode of "Hammer the Grammar" and much more. Promised!):
Use your Dutch "Charcoal Portrait Drawing Workhop by Ton de Kruijk", no Dutch teacher available, but enough people willing to help you with your Dutch: Tuesday may 27th, 19:30-22:15, €25,- including model & material.
Use your Dutch "Acrylic Portrait Drawing Workhop by Ton de Kruijk", no Dutch teacher available, but enough people willing to help you with your Dutch: Tuesday May 27th, 19:30-22:15, €25,- including model, material not included.
Dutch Adventure "Coaching with Horses": Thursday, June 5th, 10-12 a.m., €30,- pp, Hilversumse Meent. Dutch Teacher (me) available. Please send me a mail for more information.
Tip from my great colleague Evelyn: "World BBQ in Bussum": BBQ with people from all over the world living in (or near) Bussum. Probably not good for your Dutch, but fun anyway ;-) June 22nd, 4-8 p.m., Speelweide de Ruiterlaan, €8,- p.p. For more information: jochum@jarigsma.nl.
Tip from my Barbadian friend Valerie: "(White) Asparagus Farm in Blaricum". No Dutch teacher available. www.boereblij.nl. Please notice that the season for the white asparagus is almost over.
And last but not least: Living with a Dutchie, Friday, June 20th (evening). Mark your calandar, more info about this event next time! You are also welkom with a Dutch friend if you don't have a Dutch partner ;-)
Well, I hope you did find something of interest in this letter. Enjoy your stay in Holland!
Sylvia Clements (& Mister), Bussum
Winner of the European Award of Teaching