John Hammell on Edge of Cliff; John Hammell, Rob Verkerk, Suzanne Harris at ACAM Mtg where we had a special program about the huge threat posed by CODEX
IAHF List: Someone from the IAHF list in Oregon who is really on top of things alerts us all to tune in to this show: After reviewing Patrick Wood's articles on the August Review Website at
Its clear that he is someone with a very solid, well researched message which every vitamin consumer in America needs to have as background to fully understand the threat posed by the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico (see my petition at
Below is the email forwarded to me by Bill in Oregon, and below it please see IAHF's latest news... (which includes info about a radio show on thursday that I'll be on)
Don't miss this great opportunity tonight to hear a thorough 3-hour airing on globalization and my very soon-to-be-released report, "Toward a North American Union." This is one of the hottest topics in America today!
Laurie Roth and I will discuss how we got here, who's pushing it, where it is going, etc. And, of utmost importance, why is the Bush Administration doing it under virtual blackout conditions?
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Time: 7:00PM-10PM Pacific Daylight Time
Host: Laurie Roth, The Roth Show
Guest: Patrick M. Wood, Editor; The August Review
The Roth Show is a USARadio Network syndication broadcast to 45 stations around the U.S. Click here to see a partial list of affiliates. The show is also broadcast live over the Internet from: Listen: The USARadio Network. Roth is acclaimed to be "The Annie Oakley of radio."
Please make every effort to contact friends and associates to tune in as well! There is a very good chance that some time will be dedicated to call-in questions from the listening audience. It promises to be a great show!
Patrick Wood, Editor
The August Review
-------------IAHF's Latest News:
Many thanks to those of you on the IAHF list who generously assisted me in my recent trip to Washington DC! As I've already told you I had 18 meetings with congressional staff in my efforts to get signatures on the letter which Scott Tips of the National Health Federation and I drafted and which Congressman Paul put on his letterhead to send to acting FDA Commissioner Von Echenbach re the illegality of FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter (with Canada and Mexico).
In the past week since returning from DC I've been calling all the offices that we didn't get signatures from to find out if they would have signed if our deadline hadn't been so imminent. They're trying to slip past my questions without really answering due to the upcoming election in the fall but I'm pinning them down. Soon I'll have a full report for the IAHF list but will clearly have to return to DC in September for another round of meetings in order to build on the relationships already entered into and to generate greater awareness of our issues.
With the price of gas going through the roof and inflation causing a bag of groceries that used to cost $25. now cost $75., would you be interested in an easy way to make some extra cash?
Heres the situation: Vitamin company clients aren't paying IAHF enough for me to have anyone working full time for me. My partner Candace lives a half hour from Point Roberts Washington on the other side of the border in Surrey, BC, Canada.
She used to be able to spend a lot more time here helping in my office, but now that she's on unemployment, having had to get laid off from the health food store she was working in due to her old boss being an abusive alcoholic, Canadian unemployment won't allow her to cross the border any more except between 5 PM on Friday evening and 9 am Monday morning because she's supposed to be diligently looking for work.
She's starting her own business, and is being mentored by the first person who ever brought a particular product into Canada which is the fastest selling MLM product in the world. This particular juice product has truly hard science backing it with over 1200 published studies in PubMed regarding its active ingredients.
Since the company only markets this one product, and since it has incredibly broad applications, its very easy to sell.
Ordinarily I tend to scoff at MLM companies and not even try their products. I want to emphasize that I am not a distributor for this company or any other, but I highly recommend it because when I drink a few ounces per day it has hugely beneficial antiinflammatory properties that helps sore muscles recover faster after exercise. My right shoulder and left lower back were injured while body surfing recently when I got pounded into the sand, and I often feel pain and tightness in my shoulders from swimming several miles per week.
This particular stuff really helps and works fast! It also helps hugely with allergies and has helped my energy level noticably. It would help a lot of people with arthritis, but has multiple other broad based applications as well. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but if anyone is interested in receiving literature about it I'd be glad to pass your contact information to Candace. I'll need your phone number, email address and snail mail address if you're interested and request that you put in the subject line: "Forward to Candace"
If you did sign up under her, you'd have the benefit of conference calls with her and with the person who is mentoring her who is a millionaire from selling this product.
The faster Candace is able to get back on her feet financially, the sooner she can cross the border to work more closely with me. She is really the catalyst behind IAHF because she's more disciplined than I am. She even goaded me into painting the front porch this past weekend and into doing a bunch of other household chores I would otherwise have ignored in favor of going sailing on my Laser dinghy.
So, if you enter into a business relationship with Candace selling this stuff, it would help you, it would help Candace, it would help me, and it would help anyone who you educated about this stuff due to its incredibly broad range of use.
I have never touted any MLM product before, and won't do it again. This is a one shot offer. I must emphasize that I'm not selling it myself. That would not be ethical because I have clients who own vitamin companies who pay me to work with them on legislative issues.I'm doing this mostly to help out Candace. Once her business is launched, she can apply for a Green Card, then we won't be a half hour apart.
Candace is an amazingly strong person. She's very resilient. She's in a process of helping to launch a new Canadian health freedom organization that works very closely with IAHF and the people she's working with the most closely on that project are in the Vancouver and Toronto areas. If you're Canadian and would like to be part of that effort also please let me know.
One of the things that makes IAHF unique is that we are the only health freedom organization simultaneously monitoring whats happening on the globalization and health freedom fronts in both the US and Canada. The unique location of Point Roberts as a geographical anomaly cut off from the rest of the state of Washington and attached to the British Columbia mainland makes this possible. See
Your donations are badly needed to send IAHF back to DC for followup work in September. Its the only chance we'll have of getting congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter.
Its the only chance we'll have of making the threat of a North American Union an election issue. IAHF was the first to call the Codex threat to global attention, and we're way out in front in understanding the mechanism by which our would be globalist masters are attempting to force this genocidal measure upon us. With your ASSISTANCE, we CAN stop this threat!
My last trip cost in the vicinity of $2,000. for airfare, lodging, meals and transportation. I spent 8 days in DC, and had 18 meetings with staff. We need to keep the pressure on!
For a $100. donation or more I'll send the DVD, the book, the magazine, the audiotape, the bumper sticker....... If you just want the Book (Fight For Your Health- Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America by Byron Richards) I'll send it for $25., but please send the best donation you can and please forward this. Please tune in tonights radio show, and please forward this. John Hammell of IAHF will also be on the air on Thursday night as guest of Don Harkins, Publisher of the Idaho Observer. You can hear that show on August 10th from 6-7 Pacific Time at You'll need Windows Media Player to tune it in unless you listen on C-Band Satellite radio.
Don and I will be discussing the immense threat posed by the Security and Prosperity Partnership of N.America, the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, Codex, and related issues. We're going to help people who are new to these issues to really understand what is happening in the world today and how best to fight back! Don is a seasoned veteran of the anti globalization wars, and a stauncher defender of our civil liberties we'd be hard pressed to find, so please tune in, and also tune in the 3 hour long show tonight! Please forward this widely, but first remember to delete the unsub link at the bottom or else someone else will unsub you.
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