Media Release
Friday May 18th 2018
"Protecting people of faith from discrimination is important, but we will strongly oppose any move to allow discrimination in the name of religion." - Rodney Croome
LGBTI advocacy group, just.equal, has called for the Government to release the Ruddock religious freedom report immediately.
Spokesperson, Rodney Croome, said,
"The recommendations of the Ruddock Review will have a direct and possibly damaging impact on the LGBTI community, so it is vital the results are released immediately."
"The devil will be in the detail and we deserve to see that detail straight away."
"The Ruddock Review has operated under a cloud of alleged secrecy and bias so the least the Government can do is be honest and upfront now the Review's work is done."
Mr Croome welcomed news reports that the Review has recommended laws preventing religious discrimination, but said this should not extend to allowing discrimination in the name of religion.
"Protecting people of faith from discrimination is important, but we will strongly oppose any move to allow discrimination in the name of religion."
The expert panel on religious freedom established in the wake of marriage equality and chaired by NSW Liberal Party President, Philip Ruddock, hands its report to the Prime Minister today, but it is not expected to be officially released for two weeks. 
For more details of the poll, click here
To see this statement on the web, click here
For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.