Hopefully you will continue to find these notifications a valuable resource, however if this message has found you in error, you can use the link at the bottom of this message to get off the list (really, it does work.)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email them to me. I will do my best to get you an answer. If you purchased your equipment from iGage we are here to help you. If you purchased equipment from another vendor, please contact them first.
There is a complete list of all of the past notifications [ here ]. If you know of anyone with GPS equipment who might benefit from these update notifications you can add them to this list with this link: [ Add or Delete a user ].
Good survey and mapping to you all!
 Mark Silver
iGage Mapping Corporation, 1545 S 1100 E STE 1, Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA http://www.igage.com Blog: http://ashgps.wordpress.com ms@igage.com, +1 801-412-0011 x16
NOTE: This mail list is NOT produced, distributed or endorsed in any way by Trimble or Spectra Precision. The information presented does not reflect any official company viewpoint nor is it a reflection on them. This mail list is generated by me (Mark Silver,) I am just a person and not a company, it contains my personal observations. Any trademarks listed are the property of their owner and are only listed so we can talk about things in more-than-general terms.