Scotland Island Water
System Phase 3 Live!
We are pleased to let you know that phase 3 is live with
more than 30 users, getting water, using it so far!
The Zoom sessions we conducted over the past 2 weeks were
successful, with over 70 people joining the 30 minute
sessions to see the explanation and ask questions. 35
people self tested their understanding anonymously with
the Quiz.
If you missed the Zoom sessions and would like to watch
one, we have a recording
for you.
Another handy resource is the 2-page cheat
sheets pdf.
For help and instructions, use the links below. To pass on
any comments or ask questions, contact to your Water
Monitor or a SIRA (sub) committee member.
Offshore Community
Blue Bins are for Bagged
Domestic Waste ONLY !
You will notice that the poster above will soon be
displayed in public wharves to further remind residents of
their obligations regarding waste disposal.
This notice has been made necessary due to actions of
someone who has filled a blue skip bin at North Elvina
with building materials including plasterboard and timber.
This act has affected all local residents and also forced
the local contractors to manhandle and deal with the
waste. (They are under no obligation to do so).
The large blue skip bins are for bagged domestic
waste only, including food waste / food soiled
paper / nappies / polystyrene / broken glass &
Items such as building materials, hazardous waste,
recyclable items, computer equipment, asbestos, batteries,
gas cylinders or bulky goods must be disposed of
privately either by yourself, by using a local
contractor to assist you, or in the twice yearly bulky
goods collection.
The West Pittwater Community Association on behalf
of all residents ask that everyone take responsibility
for their rubbish and do the right thing.
Winter Fire Safety

Click image to load flyer
West Pittwater Rural Fire
Unseasoned Wood
There's nothing quite like a good wood fire, however the
West Pittwater RFS advise householders not to burn
unseasoned wood or to slowly burn wood overnight. (see why
The health problems associated with woodsmoke include
asthma, chronic lung disease, heart problems and premature
births and deaths. Some of the toxic chemicals in
woodsmoke are known to cause cancer.
Did you know that smoke from wood heaters is a major cause
of pollution and during winter can produce up to 7 times
as much particle pollution as cars.
The Basics
- Backyard burning and unauthorised incineration are
prohibited at all times in all council areas in the
Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle regions.
- Burning builders rubbish and treated pine is not
only illegal it can have some serious health
consequences for residents and neighbours. The health
problems associated with woodsmoke include asthma,
chronic lung disease, heart problems and premature
births and deaths. Some of the toxic chemicals in
woodsmoke are known to cause cancer.
Never Burn
- Driftwood (driftwood releases a lot of dioxin from
combustion. Dioxins are carginogenic)
- Treated or painted wood (it can produce toxic gases)
- Coal or coke - Can produce sulphur dioxide
- Household rubbish
The danger of burning unseasoned woods or allowing
fireplaces to burn slowly overnight.
Unseasoned firewood, (also called greenwood ) hasn’t had
time to dry properly. This unseasoned wood uses its energy
to remove the remaining moisture from the wood, rather
than warming your home.
Burning wood and fossil fuels at low temperature causes
incomplete combustion of the oils in the wood, which are
off-gassed as volatiles in the smoke. As smoke rises
through the chimney it causes water, carbon, and volatiles
to condense on the interior surfaces of the chimney and on
exterior surfaces such as roofs.
The condensation can then be washed into rainwater tanks,
which builds up as chemical residues in the water.
The residue inside the chimney also builds up as creosote.
Since creosote is highly combustible, a thick accumulation
creates a fire hazard. If a hot fire is built in the stove
or fireplace, and the air control left wide open, this may
allow hot oxygen into the chimney where it comes in
contact with the creosote which then ignites—causing a
chimney fire.
Chimney fires often spread to the main building because
the chimney gets so hot that it ignites any combustible
material in direct contact with it, such as wood. The fire
can also spread to the main building from sparks emitting
from the chimney and landing on combustible roof surfaces.
- Do not burn builders or garden refuse.
- Burn only aged, dry and well seasoned hardwood (at
least a year after cutting).
- Keep the wood heater air vents open for at least 20
minutes after lighting the fire
- When you've lit your fire, check your flue around 20
minutes after lighting the fire. Go outside and have a
look, if it's smoking you know that you're not burning
your fire properly.
- One of the worse things you can do is to turn the
damper down on your fire overnight. Keep the fire live
and bright and let it go out at night. Don't turn it
down to smoke away all night .
- To reduce the build-up of soot and creosote, burn
the fire fast for 1-2 hours every day the fire is lit.
- Small logs burn brightly and do not crowd the heater
as larger logs can do. Smaller logs will make a fire
easier to light, and help in establishing a vigorous
fire quickly after refuelling.
- Wood is ready to burn when air-dried for at least 8
months to a moisture content less than 20%. Two pieces
of dry, seasoned wood banged together will make a loud
hollow crack, whereas unseasoned wood makes more of a
thud. Alternatively, buy a moisture meter from most
hardware stores, Stihl outlets or online. They are
simple and easy to use.
- Clean your flue yearly.
Chimney sweeps who service the Bays include:
- Geoff Nimmo - Lovett Bay geoff.nimmo33@gmail.com
0429 984 524
- Brads Fireplace Services - Naraweena 0403 735 078

West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade
Andrew Cutler
0423 244 444
Greenlight for South West Lovett Bay Coastcare
Newly formed South West Lovett Bay Coastcare (SWLBC)
has been successful in achieving support from Greater
Sydney Local Land through funding from the NSW
Government's Catchment Action program.
The grant of $20,000 is to support the rehabilitation of
native vegetation on 11 ha of public and private lands
leading to the iconic Linda Falls in Ku-ring-gai Chase
National Park.
SWLB Coastcare has engaged a team from Dragonfly
Environmental to undertake this funded stage of the
project. Headed by Paul Webb the team will work together
with the community over the next 18 months to bring the
invasive weeds under control and the site into a
maintenance phase.
Community involvement will include a number of “Bamboo
Out’ days, a weed workshops, plant ID workshop, and the
development of a wildlife corridor along the waterfall
Lesley Stevens, Secretary of SWLB Coastcare, said “ It’s
an ambitious community project, however, the involvement
of all of the residents surrounding the infested area,
and the practical support offered by Elvina Bay
Bushcare, Rocky Point Bushcare the West
Pittwater Rural Fire Service, Northern Beaches Council
and National Parks & Wildlife Service will give SWLB
Coastcare every chance of a very successful outcome”.
West Pittwater Rural Fire Service has already done
several site inspections with SWLB Coastcare. Andrew
Cutler, Captain of the West Pittwater RFS said “ this is
an important part of the RFS community strategy to
encourage community resilience and readiness and at the
same time preserve these special environments’
There is lot riding on this project. The pocket of
littoral rainforest surrounding the Linda Falls in
Lovett Bay is listed as an Ecological Endangered
Community (EEC) - part of the remaining 1% of the
littoral rainforest still found along the NSW coast.
Further away from the Falls the rainforest is surrounded
by a majestic Spotted Gum Forest which is also listed as
an Ecological Endangered Community.
Paul Webb commented that it was a unique scenario. “ To
have overwhelming support and involvement from all of
the local community means that long after the funding
has been spent the project will have a long term effect
as maintenance work will be continued under the
stewardship of the local residents”.
Contact Jennifer Cook
President SWLL Coastcare Inc & Media Coordinator
0400 108 239.
Avoiding Mosquitoes
Unfortunately mosquito numbers in the local area are still
quite abundant and are a potential source of disease
transmission. The information below provides a
reminder for residents to avoid mosquitoes to
prevent disease.
To prevent potential transmission of disease it is
important to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
The best way to avoid mosquitoes is to:
- Wear appropriate clothing –
minimise the amount of skin exposed
- Apply mosquito repellent to exposed skin
- Use a mosquito repellent on all exposed skin areas.
Reapply the repellent according to instructions or
when you notice mosquitoes biting.
- Use appropriate insecticides
- Be aware of the peak risk times for mosquito
bites - In NSW, most mosquitoes become
active at dawn and dusk, and into the evening.
- Take appropriate measures around your home
reduce mosquitoes
- Check for and repair any holes or openings in rain
water tanks that would allow mosquito entry. Rainwater
should not be allowed to pool in containers or on
surfaces below tank outlets or taps, as this can also
provide a breeding site. If mosquitoes are detected in
a tank the entry point should be located and closed.
- Keep roof guttering and drains clean so they do not
hold standing water
- Use insect screens on doors and windows
- Store items that can hold water undercover or in a
dry place, and keep bins and containers covered
- Maintain yards in a clean condition by removing
overgrown vegetation (ensuring compliance with
Councils vegetation removal policies) and remove any
water-holding debris such as tires and containers
- Empty standing water in bases of pot plants
Please see the NSW Health factsheet for further
information on avoiding mosquitoes
Kind Regards,
Haris Shakoor
Environmental Health Risk Manager | Northern Sydney Public
Health Unit
36-76 Palmerston Road, Hornsby, NSW 2077
Tel (02) 9477 9029 | Fax (02) 9482 1650 | Mob 0428 245 042
| Haris.Shakoor@health.nsw.gov.au
To Contribute
If you
would like to contribute to this newsletter it's
easy!. Send an e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au)
or by clicking
here. Type your contribution
(100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
general interest to the community, does not include
matter of a political nature and is not offensive,
it will appear next month.
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an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au
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expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
(SIRA), or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)